What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds vareities to the types of zombies (Namely 008 and 049. However I don't see why 427 couldn't be included) such as
- Jugg (Beefed up health maybe some armor. Slower)
- Feral (More move speed, less health)
- Demo (can break doors quicker, has a larger hitbox)
- Shambler (Slower)
- Decayed (Fast but has a fast hp/s loss)
This along with nerfing the default zombie (or outright removing it) giving each chance a weight to be spawned (Via 008 spores/infection) or via 049 changing them.
Values as to which would be favoured can be varied with maybe a higher chance for the "Worse" ones in order to keep some balance.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
To my knowledge (And a 5 minute search) no.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
More variety to 008 breaches, Giving 049 a better chance to try and coordinate his zombies and flavour his breaches
More potential testing/cross testing ideas with the varied zombie types.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Now say it with me class. It's
Dev time
Aside from that, Balance issues and just potential bloat to some job menus as I imagine each variation of the zombie would have to be a seperate job.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Honestly I'm just a fiend for having variety in the current thing we have now, I think varied zombie gameplay makes combat more interesting for the combat junkies (CI potential to capture 049 and have him produce a bunch of Jugg's for them to use in a weaponisation event?) or for roleplay (Medical RP for how each zombie alteration is different to a standard humanoid) or in use of RSD like how different chemicals may effect them.
Adds vareities to the types of zombies (Namely 008 and 049. However I don't see why 427 couldn't be included) such as
- Jugg (Beefed up health maybe some armor. Slower)
- Feral (More move speed, less health)
- Demo (can break doors quicker, has a larger hitbox)
- Shambler (Slower)
- Decayed (Fast but has a fast hp/s loss)
This along with nerfing the default zombie (or outright removing it) giving each chance a weight to be spawned (Via 008 spores/infection) or via 049 changing them.
Values as to which would be favoured can be varied with maybe a higher chance for the "Worse" ones in order to keep some balance.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
To my knowledge (And a 5 minute search) no.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
More variety to 008 breaches, Giving 049 a better chance to try and coordinate his zombies and flavour his breaches
More potential testing/cross testing ideas with the varied zombie types.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Now say it with me class. It's

Aside from that, Balance issues and just potential bloat to some job menus as I imagine each variation of the zombie would have to be a seperate job.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Honestly I'm just a fiend for having variety in the current thing we have now, I think varied zombie gameplay makes combat more interesting for the combat junkies (CI potential to capture 049 and have him produce a bunch of Jugg's for them to use in a weaponisation event?) or for roleplay (Medical RP for how each zombie alteration is different to a standard humanoid) or in use of RSD like how different chemicals may effect them.