Accepted VCoin and Printers

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Senior Administrator
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SCP-RP Staff
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Group Moderator
Jun 6, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Balance the VCoin Miners and the Printers. Currently the VIP based printers take (at most) 80 minutes odd to break even where as the standard printers take less then 10 minutes. This in my opinion is a bit ridiculous. Either lower the price or increase production.

VCoin Miners do AT MOST £9 per "tick" (per refresh for the miner) meaning it takes 2-3 hours to start breaking even which seems way too long for what it is worth. Up the rate of mining or lower the cost of the VCMiners.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
It will make it more fair in terms of money production to time.
It will make VIP more worth it and make people less annoyed when a bug occurs.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
It would mean that money would be easier to get.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It would mean that we don't have an imbalance in the statistics
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Reactions: Caeden


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 18, 2021

Like Caeden said it just make senses I think there’s no reason for the Vcoin value be so low, and do something about the printers.


Well-known Member
May 15, 2023
From the content team perspective, some aspects of the economy need to be looked into, currently the money making is extremly concentrated on meth making while other methods arent feasible or take really long to make even a decent profit. This kinda ruins the whole economy revamp if left unchecked. This shouldn't mean to make meth shittier but to make the other methods better. I will make sure to bring this up in the next meeting/talks.


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 18, 2021
I'm pretty sure thats not what they want. Of course, they dont want you to spend 60 hours to only make 100k profit, but if im not mistaken I think the idea was that you wouldn't get too much money too fast.
I tested it today to really see how much time you need to do proffit with vcminers.
To start in total I wasted 620K with 4 vcminers (120*4 vcminers ; 20*4 collers ; 10*2 monitores ; 10*2 switech ; 20 PC), in this setup for you start having proffit you nead to make 155K per vcminer what toke me around 5-6 hours and if you want to make a medium proffit after all you need more 2 hours what I think is too much time.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 21, 2021
money is what a lot of people play the server for and if that's to hard to get people might not enjoy it

tony schleck

CC Executive VIP
Jun 11, 2021
+- neutral

i mean 2 hours to break even is fine but like you say printers are way too op
and maxnet is something unique to the server and a few players can enjoy making programs for the vcminers to make them better etc it isnt that hard to set up just add a basic vcminer program standard on the maxnet accounts + a very small youtube tutorial
when i played CC it was a wauw effect when i discoverd maxnet and vcminers so its sad to see it got nerfed and printers got buffed
hope a hotfix come soon


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 14, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Balance the VCoin Miners and the Printers. Currently the VIP based printers take (at most) 80 minutes odd to break even where as the standard printers take less then 10 minutes. This in my opinion is a bit ridiculous. Either lower the price or increase production.
This is good balancing and it's crazy to me that you seem to think it needs buffing. It's not that VIP printers take long, it's that non-VIP printers take extremely low amounts of time to pay back because we want to incentivise new players to play without making them need to donate for VIP. Non-VIP printers in CN DarkRP have significantly reduced payback time compared to what they had in CG DarkRP, with much lower purchase prices. VIP printers increase your money/hr significantly but have the drawback of you needing to plan to be online for at least an hour for it to be worth it.

VCMiners probably do need a small buff and we're looking at that, currently a VCMiner rework is planned anyway.

In my opinion as someone who doesn't really do a lot of basing or criminal jobs money making needs a bit of a buff across the board really. VIP printers aren't something I have experience with but the figures you have shown are a little nutty and absolutely need tweaking regardless. The takeaway should NOT to be to nerf the non-VIP printers though, with the amount of raids printers need to be quick and cheap.


Well-known Member
Jan 9, 2022
+Support Great suggestion currently we do not have access to the indus miners and the medium ones barely make money to earn profit you would have to wait atleast 6 hours!
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