Aspen's SC Application

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MilitaryRP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 19, 2023
Which server are you applying for? (UK/US): UK

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:109323295

Discord name: not_tuga

For how long have you played on MRP: Since 2021 I have been on CN MRP.

Age: 19.

In what country are you located?: United Kingdom.

Time zone: GMT.

NATO name (regiment and rank): RMP PFC 'Ghost'

NWO name (regiment and rank): STS CPT 'Aspen'[GrimReaper]

Civilian name: Akuna.

Do you have a mic?: Yes Sir.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: I dont know if this counts but its the MOD application down below.

NotTuga's Moderator Application

Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): NotTuga

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): Its around 4 weeks of VTime

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

2 early this year probably me being the old me.
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:

Back in late 2021 and early 2022 I was a 17th LT during my time there i was able to make myself known and make good friendships with delightful people, late 2022 and early 2023 I was SAS CPT doing my best to help out, lead wars and sort out the regiment that is when i learned how to fully lead wars and create bonds which taught me the real experience of having to lead and being a leader, moving on to the Present time i am a CPT of STS and i have been helping with Leading now and then where i can find myself learning more and more to be able to be confident in moving up to SC to help and be a fine gentleman of NWO.

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:

There could be other candidates out there that are better but i consider myself as one of the most experience and old memebers because I've been here since 2021 and been through everything to understand most of it and how it works, i have worked along side High command to learn a lot of things they dont only write documents and prepare stuff, they go into fundamental details to helo NWO and they go out in wars to show their dedication for NWO, i can do all of them i have peace of mind to be able to help and do documents fast and firm, i am good in combat with the experience i have within STS, I have the skills to be able to leads wars and not only that i like to come up with strategies to help win wars and help with pushes, i am very precise with the strategies, i like to help out other Regiments aswell so i would be the best candidate because i have good combat, good leading skills , good strategic skills and enthusiasm to help new NWO and Regiments in need of help and i got great knowledge to create documents and help with documents.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:


Private first Class​



List your strengths and weaknesses:

-Quick learner
-Not easily frustrated
-Decent war-leading ability

- Normally putting too many hours to the server to help
- English is my fourth language
- I'm not that good at flying helis
-Memory loss I have

Please give some lore about your HC character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Aspen [ GrimReaper] grew up with STS by his side teaching him the rough sides of the world, during this time Aspen learned how to become undetectable like a ghost during wars, he has sacrifices and would sacrifice more to prove his loyalty for NWO and Mostly STS, he took an oath to keep his loyalty and he will keep it to his grave, he has learned that seeing the rough part of the world makes him want to help NWO become greater and bigger, he worked hard that he got to SLT and got offered a place in SIC, through Ukraine and Afghanistan he went through great pain to watch many comrades fall to their death and he keeps them close to their heart to seek out revenge and Lead NWO to the victory of the world to leave a mark in history. Upon in many wars Aspen leaving himself in the battlefield to give advantage to his SC escape and return back to base and Aspen took upon himself to sacrafice himself and let himself be kidnapped to save his SC and during torture gave up no information and able to escape the prison. No one outside of STS high ranks or SC even know his true identity which considers him a ghost for the near future generation of soldier to tell a myth about the legend Aspen[GrimReaper] on becoming SC through his hard and dedication of work and enthusiastic heart and mind.
What are the responsibilities of HC in RP?:

-Leading wars
-Giving orders
- Using NWO Warfunds to help with the success of WIn through wars
-Ensuring regiments perform properly during war and missions
-Discipline NWO members who step out of line and break the Law
What are the responsibilities of HC out of RP?:

- Helping new NWO with bare experience than us
-Being a role model within the NWO/community
-Representing SC and NWO
-Making sure all regimental documents are updated and helping with any Documents if unfinished or broken
-Ensuring the stability of a regiment's RC structure and the outside looks of it

Last edited:
Oct 5, 2023
+-Neutral Leading towards -Support
+Very active
+Have experience in leading.

+-Leading sometimes is not the best
+-Sometimes inmature/unfriendly when it comes to other regiments
+-Having too many hours on the server as a weaks is not a weakness
+- You also forgot to link the first App you made for SC

- Had complaints about you in SIC
- Have had some complaints from other regiments about you
- war leading i havent seen from you except from regiment leading.
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Reactions: shaun11103
-very similar app to the last one u made it looks like u copy pasted it and added a few extra words.
-to many hours isnt a weak point.
-have heard negative situations about u this week.
-in responsibilities u only mention stuff about leading the war and a little outside of that.

- if you cant handle the responsibilities of a captain u cant handle the responsibilities of being an Supreme Council member.
-giving a man who is actively abusing power as SIC more power will only make it worse i dont see u getting this rank unless u actually try to change and proving that u actually want to change.

+/- havent seen u lead a war.
+/- u do not need to be good a flying helis to become sc.
+/- forgot to link first app.
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Reactions: shaun11103

- Lots of complaints on you from fellow NWO members recently
- Lack of respect from most of NWO
- Not the best leader from my experience with you
- Bad interactions as a whole
- Very unfriendly sometimes
- Very very bad to members of other regiments
- Given SiC a bad look
- Scared members away from STS, so how could be given SC be for NWO as a whole?

+ Active

P.S - You lied in the part where it asks if you made any other applications
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- Lots of complaints on you from fellow NWO members recently
- Lack of respect from most of NWO
- Not the best leader from my experience with you
- Bad interactions as a whole
- Very unfriendly sometimes
- Very very bad to members of other regiments
- Given SiC a bad look
- Scared members away from STS, so how could be given SC be for NWO as a whole?

+ Active

P.S - You lied in the part where it asks if you made any other applications
Summed it up

-Minor to none effort in editing the copy paste app of the last one you made, can be clearly seen in the “ is this your first application you made “ question wich you don’t bother to edit it and give a linie to the old app.

- Leading experience is very low

- Multiple complaints in SIC and STS about power abusing sent by AOR and other regiments in NWO , idk if STS RC and SIC lead recived any more after I got banned .

- You and some other guy worked to demote MacFlurry in STS for the reason he did not do anything(But funny, all you did was just to complain against him while you did not do anything for STS either , ah there is one you made people not join the regiment and some left)

-Rule knowledge is very questionable (as an ex MRP staff member , and now a DRP Staff , I placed some hits on NATO in SIC and you thought is ok to just ran inside NATO base and kill[RDM] them, wich with a minimum rule knowledge would never happend)

- You stated in your app that you want to do this: “-Discipline NWO members who step out of line and break the Law” I have to remind you how manny times I had to bail you out from AOR.

- You got 1 active Regimental Strike given out by me 2-3 weeks ago , for getting arrested and if I remember correctly you got arrested for trying to pay an AOR to assassinate an IVG RC.

I’m sorry to say it but you lack any qualities to join SC , the power abusing , poor leadership, law breaking and coorupting other memebers of your regiment with seeking to demote a fellow member of your regiment because you did not like him , makes you unfit for SC

GOOD LUCK with your app

EX MGEN ‘Valk’ out.
Nov 4, 2022
Bosnia Herzegovina



The only reason i am giving you a minus is that you dont treat your soldiers well,

I had multiple complaints about you not doing your job.

When you were MRP staff you abused your power very much and thats not fit for SC neither RC.

You have a poor leadership skills i also never see you lead and you instantly go into your members by not listing to your members and do your own thing.

If you want to join SC you should maby stop hating the other regs cause i heard some stuff about that too.

Sorry but i dont see you in SC at all

From a staff perspective, whenever something happens that didnt go your way you'll look through everything to try and get people that you don't like or aren't friends with punished. You're an ex staff members yet you don't seem to be aware of the rules.
From people's response, I 100% agree with them. I don't think anyone that acts like this should be SC.


Well-known Member
Sep 8, 2022
-support your very power hungry and u get mad over dumb reasons i dont think you would be able to handle it
+ support
+ activity
+ leadership

all of the minus support is based on a former member of sc being a fucking petty arsehole.

Aspen is a great leader that has shown both his devotion to NWO and his regiment, he has worked tirelessly to try to fix his regiment and work with other regiments to the betterment of NWO. not picking him as a SC is going to negativly impact NWO as a whole.

- has cases of being a little mingy, but has shown a dedication to changing this.

Former LTGEN of Nato and Currently CPT of 1stAL
Walter Ivanovich
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