[SCP-RP UK] Charles Whitmee Ethics Committee Chairman Application #2

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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 4, 2023

+ Support

+ it's scientifically proved that you can't think of the word "ethics" without thinking of this man
+ has shown high, genuine and constant interest in RP and in the creation of RP
+ hes just chill like that fr
+ Support

Charles track record orientates him well for the position, with the IA Director and ECM jobs in his experience pool. During my time as ECC he was proactive in looking for avenues to create RP if a little overzealous with documents - try not to lose sight of what matters in RP by diving too deep into docs.

His application details the roles and responsibilites of the EC inside and outside of RP to a good standard but could have gone into more detail on the exact differences between the ECC and ECMs.

The lore article Charles created demonstrates a reasonable strong grasp of SCP lore, although I would have liked to see it be more EC specific.

Good luck!
Good Evening

Charles, I have seen an immense amount of growth in you that I am immensely proud of. This application is brilliant, and with your tenure as the most senior ECM (even when I was ECC) you've devoted that time to creating roleplay, improving yourself and those around you.

I am leaving you with a +support. Keep up the improvements, especially in communication, and you'll do great.

-4 / Ex ECC
Keep up the improvements, especially in communication
For a more in depth support from me.

I agree with everything athena has stated, and since her departure from the Committee charles has been the central unit keeping us together. He relays everything through me and caeden.

Charles is by far the most qualified for the job, and I simply would be heartbroken to see anyone else in the position, Charles has successfully established large roleplay experiences that, in the case of the d class work programme, could be a players introduction to the server. Charles continues to be an asset to the committee and server, what a waste it would be to deny.
Feb 23, 2023
  • He definitely plays the game.
  • Probably has more or less interest in RP than anyone I've ever met.
  • The application is there without a doubt.
  • The words are certainly written.
  • Can't possibly be worse than Kaz.
  • Unequivocally has a functioning brain.
  • Is indubitably named "Charles" -> "Chuck" -> 'Chuck McGill'.
  • ChuckMcGillBCS.jpg
  • Is surely above the age of 15.
  • Has categorically two arms and two legs, an upper body as well as a lower body and to top it all off, a head.
  • Needless to say, he is alive.
  • Obviously possesses all of God's 5 senses, those are of:
    • Speech
    • Sound
    • Smell
    • Sense
    • Sight.
  • Clearly consists of a mostly human caricature and therewithin all the necessary chemical compounds to survive, of which Carbon is highly significant.

I highly doubt I've missed any lingering details waiting to be deliberated, apart from one small thing.

In his personnel file, one may or may not read the decree of:

Yes, I'm that ECM.
Ethics are cool.
I just wanted to add that when I read this myself, I was so touched by his sense of writing. It was just as the French or François would've said "Jm'en badigeonnerais les testicules avec le pinceau de l'indifférence."

okay now to be fr, this man knows what he's doing and y'all should let him cook fr fr.
Oct 19, 2022
The BIGGEST +Support

- This man is, truly, the most deserving of this role
- Experienced in Administrative Roles so suited for the most Administrative role
- Just a super lovely person to talk, RP and experience the server with

Everybody else's points as well, truly hope you get it, my friend!
Dec 21, 2021
since her departure from the Committee charles has been the central unit keeping us together. He relays everything through me and caeden.
Couldn't have said it better.

Charles has been a huge help to me since before I even wanted to become an ECM and I hope that SSL make the right decision to make him the ECC.

Also hes really active
and really friendly
and cool guy (sunglasses)
and ASMR man

Big +Support
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