What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Modifies the rule 2.4 (c) so that the three /roll questions can only be asked to CL4+ members after a continuous roleplay window of interrogation/torture after 5 minutes.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Adds Roleplay to Interrogations / actual torture RP
Extends interrogations
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Prolongs interrogations for people?
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This would allow for interrogations (at least for Clearance 4 people) to actually be roleplayed. Ever since the 3 roll questions were introduced, the interrogations fell off in all factions, everyone resorts to just "I ask these questions" and interrogations are over. Back then it used to be way more original and it had to be roleplayed out, way before the interrogations. And since Clearance 4 are basically roleplay leaders they should at least get some effort of being questioned. 5 Minutes of effort is not too much asked.
Also Clearance 4 usually have valuable information, so why shouldn't it be worth the effort to torture it out of them.

Modifies the rule 2.4 (c) so that the three /roll questions can only be asked to CL4+ members after a continuous roleplay window of interrogation/torture after 5 minutes.
DEA/MTF/GOC/CI have control over another faction's prisoner within their own base and have the power to delegate interrogation or negotiations. During interrogation they may ask 3 questions; for each question asked an interrogator and the prisoner being interrogated must /roll 100 and the interrogator must use /me to describe the interrogation method. If the interrogator rolls higher the prisoner must tell the truth. If the prisoner rolls higher they may say whatever they wish as long as it does not break server rules.
- No codewords/phrases allowed.
- Interrogators may not ask the same question more than once, while they are following this rule.
- After the 3 questions are asked, with the use of /roll, the interrogation may continue as normal and within the confines of RP.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Adds Roleplay to Interrogations / actual torture RP
Extends interrogations
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Prolongs interrogations for people?
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This would allow for interrogations (at least for Clearance 4 people) to actually be roleplayed. Ever since the 3 roll questions were introduced, the interrogations fell off in all factions, everyone resorts to just "I ask these questions" and interrogations are over. Back then it used to be way more original and it had to be roleplayed out, way before the interrogations. And since Clearance 4 are basically roleplay leaders they should at least get some effort of being questioned. 5 Minutes of effort is not too much asked.
Also Clearance 4 usually have valuable information, so why shouldn't it be worth the effort to torture it out of them.