Partially Accepted Tesla Sabotage/Breaking

Content that has been partially accepted
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Either of, or both, or some adaptation of the following new features for Tesla gates:
  • Individual Tesla gates can be hacked, similar to turrets, with the option to disable, fire sporadically, or be hostile to humans - the latter either hitting the next person to go through until fixed, or anyone that goes through for the next X seconds
  • Individual Tesla gates can break, needing repair using a repair tool. When broken, they do something along the lines of firing sporadically but not auto-triggering for any reason (proximity or SCP)
With either of these, this sound effect could be used to indicate something's wrong/it's broken/it has been trapped/whatever: - this already exists in the content pack, but I don't believe it's currently used.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not that I could find.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • [If needing repair] Adds another thing for E&TS to repair/do
  • [If hackable] Adds another tactic for 079 and humans to use
  • Makes breaches more interesting/variable
  • Reuses some content and design elements that already exist (audio, hacking options)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Makes 079 slightly more powerful - though it would need to be using it's time on these rather than e.g. hacking out SCPs, so it's a trade-off
  • Dev time
  • People might die to Tesla gates and get mad (funny)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It adds another variable element to the map and just makes things more interesting. If it's hackable, it also makes 079 breaches and PvP fighting more interesting around Tesla gates, as someone might trap them or use them as a distraction.
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Senior Developer
Senior Developer
Mapping Team
Content Team
Jan 3, 2022
+support add a little server room in that door next to the tesla gates at every checkpoint which has a hackable part to enable hostile tesla targeting, it'd be a fun change

Teslas don't even target, they just charge up and fire when someone steps near them.

We don't have to add a entire room for one hacking box, can just add it near the tesla and done.
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Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022
+/- for them breaking for that long, should be much shorter considering that they'd block any human movement past it
However you have to factor in the fact that the hack will be very difficult. Having a very hard hack only work for a very short amount of time won't be beneficial, and might veer people away from actually doing the hack since it's just not worth it.
However you have to factor in the fact that the hack will be very difficult. Having a very hard hack only work for a very short amount of time won't be beneficial, and might veer people away from actually doing the hack since it's just not worth it.
I feel like if the hacking works the same as turrets, both in terms of options and difficulty, it shouldn't really be an issue. Turrets you can already do, and they're in the same sort of area as teslas are, it's just another option and isn't really any more of a problem than turrets.
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