[UK] The Pennington's SD App

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:157932073
Discord name: nukegoboom
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 Years
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Daniel Christopher Pennington & William Thomas Pennington (main ones)
Civilian name: Jacob Heartless
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: CI Gamma, GSD Captain, Executive Researcher, Director of Research, Site Advisor, Site Director, O5-4, O5-1.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Site Director?
I am applying for the role of site director to provide people on the server with better-quality roleplay from site administration. Over time I have seen how site administration operates and wish to assist/improve their roleplay and the roleplay/management of other departments.
As a director of research, I believe I have contributed significantly towards major roleplay events on the server, including foundation and other groups of interest, some notable ones being with the UNGOC. However, recently I have noticed a distinct lack of these roleplay events being conducted by members of site administration; something I would like to work to change.
I have also witnessed how old practices which I believe to be more beneficial to other department directors/MTF commanders; such as the month reviews, have been replaced with inefficient systems or are otherwise not conducted anyhow.
I believe with this position I can provide a positive impact to the health of the server through both the management of the site administration team and the overall creation of roleplay.
What makes you suitable for Site Director over Site Advisor?:
Experience. It is no surprise to any individuals who know me that I have a vast wealth of roleplay experience on this server. Having primarily spent the majority of my time in CL4 non-combative positions on the site. I believe this experience can be applied towards site administration to help develop and build them up.
Leadership is another quality I believe I have that would make me suitable. I have spent time developing my leadership abilities throughout the various positions which I held on the server. This again is another element of my experience that I believe can contribute towards the server and administration team.
Activity. I would like to say generally that over my expansive time on this server, I have remained consistently active and frequently involved myself in the server; this is something that I believe is key for the position of site director as they need to be in the know to create effective roleplay and respond to situations.
To summarise, I believe I can contribute to the improvement of server health in the position of site director as I could apply the extensive volume of knowledge that I have acquired over my two years of playtime to various roleplay situations and management situations.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
  • Management of Applications (can be considered OOC but also can involved roleplay with said departments)
    • Director of Medicine
    • Chief of Security
    • Director of External Affairs
    • Site Advisor
      • Subsequently also in charge of promoting individuals in Site Administration from Advisor to Manager.
    • Appointment of MTF Commanders
      • Nu-7
      • E-11
  • Conducting reviews of departments and Mobile Task Forces to help them improve.
  • Roleplay Generation
    • This can be done in various ways e.g. authorising a test, cross-trainings, GOI-related events etc.
  • Conflict Management
    • Dealing with issues within the foundation between its various departments/mtf’s/organisations.
  • Operations of blast doors during certain codes.
    • This also includes activating certain codes such as Code Black.
  • Authorisation and operation of advanced armoury during certain codes.
  • Authorisation of various department-related activities in the absence of department or MTF leadership
    • E.g. Authorisation of D-block sweeps when captains or chiefs are unavailable.
  • Management of Site Administration and Site documentation
    • Be this both on-site or via external systems.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Document dump time!
There are other lore documents contained within the ones provided. My advice for understanding my character is to use Project Coalescence as a base but be more reliant on the Personnel Documentation.
I want to thank folks for taking the time to read this application. I felt I didn’t elaborate enough on some points but at the same time, the majority of individuals who will be overseeing this app have known me for a significant period and will be able to understand my qualities.
If you’ve got any concerns or questions feel free to ask.
  • Cool
Reactions: Nigersaurus
-Supporting bc your friend got denied is wild ngl
oh no ganch and i aren't friends, i just think seeing ganch as SD would be infinitely funnier and interesting. would pennington be a good SD? yes. but i wanna cultivate the funny.

also to quote goober,
There is simply a better candidate
that is just what i feel when i look at these SD apps o_O
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oh no ganch and i aren't friends, i just think seeing ganch as SD would be infinitely funnier and interesting. would pennington be a good SD? yes. but i wanna cultivate the funny.
Its not about funniness or anything like that, its about who would be better for the position. Ganch unfortunately got denied and so the position is open to others
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