[UK] The Pennington's SD App

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Hello @Nukegoboom , god not this guy, I suppose I'll give you a +support

I know it, you know it, everyone else reading this thread knows it, that you'd make a great Site Director, so I'm just going to leave a few remarks for the sake of leaving them here. SA needs a strong director in order to whip them into shape and create a border between Site Admin and Command, I think you are just the person who can do that. Everyone knows you have the necessary experience to do so but after reflecting on your time in research, it's probably the strongest I've seen the department in a long while which encourages me to leave this support. One of the biggest things you have going for you in my opinion, is your dedication, most people upon removal from Snr CL5 would exit the community or spiral into mingery, you picked yourself up at the bootstraps within a week and where starting down DoR and making massively positive changes to the Scientific Department .

Best of Luck.
Dec 2, 2023

When I first joined the civil networks server I knew nothing. As a CD I only knew how to get some scrap. But when I could finally get Jr Researcher I knew nothing, it was too much for me. If Pennington was not there on my first day, I probably would have stopped playing in the first week. His tips let me get to know the site as a researcher. It allowed me to sprout and dive into new departments. Now I have my first CL4 as DEA Special Agent and looking for more CL4 jobs. It could not have been done without Pennington.
Feb 23, 2023


- There is literally no one else on the market. Like all other clams been swept clean by the seawater.
- Any other mothafucka gets haphazardly chosen over Nuke and I'm sending that mf who chose to CBT.


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Apr 11, 2022


The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @Nukegoboom

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

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