Jamie/Cain Morris's DoIA Application UK

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Aug 27, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:702727365
Discord name: cainmorris0
For how long have you played on CG SCP: In total I have played 40 days and I began playing since September 2023.
Age: 13
In what country are you located?: Republic of Ireland🇮🇪
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Jamie 'Homeless' Flynn
Civilian name: Cain Morris
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

IA Ambassador
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
2024-06-28 (2).png2024-07-15 (1).png
Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?:
IA is truly my favourite role to play on the server and I was more than happy to get ambassador and I believed at first was I would stay there forever until I get removed or resign but now I feel I can apply for the Director position and attempt go for my goal.

To begin with, the RP potential with the Director is massive as Directors tend to have more RP with CL5 and CL5 know how to RP well so it could improve enjoyability and RP. Secondly recently I have realised the quality of Agents has been poor, for example, on the 14/07/24 two agents within 2 minutes of each other got arrested, the first one walked up to me and Remmy and cuffed both of us the second one doing the same, a couple of days ago a agent was job denied as the agent took IA Ambassador, DoIA and A-1 disguises, if I received the position I would ensure that Agents act professionally and if they don't further action would be taken as I would prefer IA to have 3 professional Agents than 20 mingy Agents. One thing I would like to encourage as well is on the spot tribunals as I have not seen these happen in at least 4 months personally, these should be encouraged for Agents to get a grasp of RP and train them for if they get to Ambassador they know how to Prosecute/ Defend for real tribunals. I would also like to expand on investigations as I have seen some departments and people doing very unethical things and I believe that more investigations and intentionally including Agents could encourage them to go further in the department and telling Agents to look out for something to investigate also possibly pushing them to go to ambassador. Overall I believe I could shape IA as a more professional and better department .

What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
What I believe makes me suitable is firstly I am very good at communicating and working with others such as making arrests and if we need to transfer someone into cuffs or different cuffs. I am good enough at RP also, I have done a tribunal against E-11 CPT Alex 'Monke' Smith the link to the overview is here, I won majority of the case with him being charged with: Resistance 1, Murder 2, Endangerment 1, Procedures 2 and Protocol 1, He was found innocent on: Conspiracy 2, Kidnapping 1 and Misuse 2 due to lack of evidence. I am professional enough this is as everyone has their moments but can be very serious in serious situations. I can take lead and I am a good leader but the only issue with this is because I am a child Agents and the general people may not listen to me and just mock me. I am also very Professional, active, mature, reliable, trustworthy, helpful and can come up with good idea's.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
The responsibility's of the Director of IA in RP is as follows:

  • Managing all personnel below them in the department: which would in this case be: Ambassadors, Agents, Operatives and they would also process applications for ambassador, investigations and complaints against Ambassadors, Agents and Operatives
  • Over look Department development and the department as a whole: this will be massively important as the new IA rework will bring lots of new roles, policies, training slides and procedures these will be important to oversee as there will more than likely be lots of people on the jobs at once so you would have to make sure everyone is doing well and acting accordingly and they are familiar with the new familiar with the new additions.
  • Ensuring the FLC is followed: As the Director of IA you should obviously abide by the FLC and prompting others to do the same especially Ambassadors Agents and Operatives and bring upon required punishments to CL4s when necessary.
  • Suggesting FLC items or updates: With the new rework coming new FLC laws and updates will be advisable so more laws and updates will need to be added in order to make sure no one does anything against that would seem as if it is against the FLC but it isint on there yet.
  • Leading investigations and Tribunals: Directors are expected to begin and or lead investigations and tribunals, also to process and begin investigations brought forward investigations and potential tribunals.
  • Managing inter-departmental relations.
  • Represent IA in meetings with F3, Ethics and Site Administration.
Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Greetings I am Cairo.aic a Artificial Intelligence Conscript used by the Ethics Committee. What can I assist you with today?

Input: Cairo. Access Level 5 Network.

When do the harps strings sound the song of the world?

Input: When the Banshee screeches awake the night.
Welcome, Chairman McKenna.

Input: Search Ambassador Jamie 'Homeless' Flynn's Personnel File.
Searching... Personnel found, displaying results now...
File name:
Clearance Level:
This file contains all of Jamie Flynn's information.
Level 4

Input: Give me the Personnel File.

Opening Personnel File... Jamie_Homeless_Flynn_Personnel_File

Input: Arrange a interview with Ambassador Jamie.
Understood, arranging interview now... Interview arranged

Input: Log off.
Logging off now.


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- You do not mention anything about RP creation in responsibilities section, which is crucial for a Department Director to do.
- No clear ideas on how to improve Internal Affairs Department other than on the spot tribunals, which are already a thing.
- I also believe that you are not mature enough for this position, recently caught you standing in front of medbay arguing with E-11 LT calling his mother names and calling him a bitch multiple times (just to clarify I think the E-11 should also be punished for that as both of you behaved extremely unprofessional). Even though it is an IN CHARACTER issue, this is not how a Senior CL4 should behave ICly.

+ You are active, but activity is not everything.
+/- You surely improved, but I feel like you are not ready yet.

Unfortunately, because of the reasons stated above I just cannot give a positive support.
Good luck, Jack 'Cader' Raider.
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Reactions: Guts
Oct 27, 2023
South Africa
Major -Support.
He isn't suited for Ambassador, never mind DoIA. He has never heard of RP creation and never wants to. He constantly hovers power over others and is, frankly, annoying. He is a child and I don't advise giving him the role.
As competent as he might appear to be, he still has a lot to learn and I genuinely believe giving him the role with the state he's in is a bad idea.
Sophia Linkletter,
Former Director of Medicine.
  • Cool
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Reactions: Judge and Guts
Neutral, leaning +Support
Candidate activity and effort within Internal Affairs is very good
Candidate has been involved with roleplay related to Tribunals of late showing engagement
Candidate frequently contacts others to talk about IA related things and engage.

Candidate is still learning some of the ropes of Ambassador related activities, such as leading Tribunals.
Candidate sometimes can be a bit unprofessional on the job.

Overall, not a bad candidate by any means, but definitely some issues that I think would need to be ironed out fully. I know for a fact you have genuine enthusiasm for the job and want to do well in IA based on our work together.

Best of luck regardless.

although improved, still can be really immature which isn't good for a department leadership position.

you pretty much exclusively also only hang about in interrogation or outside of it - confirmed by an A1 report that watched you for a while and didn't see you move far. this only reinforces the fact that your RP creation skills wouldn't be up to standard for the position.


Advanced Expert Civil Gamer
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 4, 2023
- Support

I rarely leave -Support simply because I enjoy following the classic, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it", but this application sits on a line where there is a chance of it getting accepted, and I believe it is imperative it is not.

You lack all the required skills for RP creation, even the very foundation of its baseline is absent. I understand this will be a hard fact to swallow, but you have not once demonstrated your ability to lead and create interesting and unique site-wide RP. At best I have seen you interact with RP set up by others, but even that interaction is limited, and never to a standard that is expected from a Sr. CL4

I will not make a broad statement, like, "You are not mature enough for the role," instead I will ask you to reflect on your own performance as an Ambassador. Compare yourself to other CL4s, especially with how they react to other members of staff, and what they do around the site. To give you an example of what not to do, today I witnessed you in an RP event with A-1 and a few other site personnel, you messed about, and in the end, you murdered an E-11 and got shot for it. You were an ambassador during this, it was not a good look.

Moving on away from your lack of conduct around site, I will now ask about your doings within IA. Firstly, in your application you state,
I have realised the quality of Agents has been poor, for example, on the 14/07/24 two agents within 2 minutes of each other got arrested, the first one walked up to me and Remmy and cuffed both of us the second one doing the same, a couple of days ago a agent was job denied as the agent took IA Ambassador, DoIA and A-1 disguises
yet I am forced to ask, why can you not begin doing this as an Ambassador? Ensuring the standards of IA agents is one of your duties, in fact, I would argue it is your primary duty. This is the same as an MTF LT saying, "I deserve CPT because then I will train the enlisted", when you should already be doing it.

It may not be your intention, but this comes across poorly and further displays your ignorance of the role.

Truthfully, the entirety of your "Why are you applying for IA Director" is just you listing things you should already be doing, there is nothing creative or new in this entire section. At best, it's a classic case of, "I kinda know the basics", and at worst it highlights your current failings at doing these things.

From this point on, I will leave brief bullet points to prevent this reply from becoming overly long.

What I believe makes me suitable is firstly I am very good at communicating and working with others such as making arrests and if we need to transfer someone into cuffs or different cuffs
- This is a basic ability for an agent, not a Sr. CL4

I am professional enough this is as everyone has their moments but can be very serious in serious situations
- I will half give you this point, I have seen some moments in other people's RP where you've been decently serious, but I've also seen the opposite. It's a 50/50 with you.

I can take lead and I am a good leader but the only issue with this is because I am a child Agents and the general people may not listen to me and just mock me.
- I have rarely seen you take lead, but I do concede it must be harder due to your age, however, that, unfortunately, is a mark against you through no fault of your own.
I am also very Professional, active, mature, reliable, trustworthy, helpful and can come up with good idea's.
- These are just buzzwords, I would like to see examples of these. Either you explaining situations in which you've showcased these abilities, or perhaps writing the application in a way in which I can tell them without you having to state it.

To summarize:

- Lack of RP leading
- Too many accounts of poor RP engagement
- A candidate with little to bring to the department
- Weak application
- Generally messing about on duty

You may view this as a harsh response, and perhaps others may agree with you. But I believe that if you stick with IA, you will increase your chances tenfold with this position, and it is because of that that I have decided to be fully honest with you. I hope you can read this not as an insult, but as a highlight of your flaws; flaws that can be fixed with time and guidance.
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