People arent used to having to actually fight breaches anymore and it shows

Insta kill abilities are no fun and require 2 clicks to kill you. Built in with the lag its horrible - 2 clicks compared to RNG in combat is no fun. Take a look at this for example:

On the UK server Code blacks are daily. The CL5's are in nuke room for hours at a time daily. It's basically a FivemRZ server (If you get the reference) Compared to a serious server.

Combined with the lag and CI flagging on SCP's which increases spawn timer as they are another faction it's really unappealing for us to fight breaches. As O-1 we try not infringe on other departments RP/Core duties but almost EVERY breach we and the entirety of Nu7, DEA, A-1, Combat medics, GSD has to fight the breach to contain it.

It's not E11's fault what so ever. The main problem is lag (Yes ik there isn't much you can do its the host but still)

Linking into this, 076 is too fast for the lag and with a small hitbox it requires: Teslas/Turrets/Nerve gas to deal the damage its like fighting a person on God drugs, speed chems in a average of 2-6 tick server its not fun.

Could be a keypad in E11 bunks with a CL4 access to shut all BD's in HCZ 🤷 It would be something they would have (Might make this suggestion) Or giving access to some quarantine doors in LCZ to slow breaches to Medbay/Dblock/PW where core RP does happen.
redzone with a twist of annoying and I want to leave this server

i think we should just add more cooldowns to mass breaches
Reality Benders Suck.

The Tesla Gate getting you killed thanks to rubberbanding sucks.

The two swordsmen (7722 / 076) suck.

Why not reduce 8837’s hp to like 7k?

Why not make 076 slower and slower overtime as he loses bodymass which would destroy his body’s integrity?

Why not keep 7722 without armor when he actually loses all of it?
Reality Benders Suck.

The Tesla Gate getting you killed thanks to rubberbanding sucks.

The two swordsmen (7722 / 076) suck.

Why not reduce 8837’s hp to like 7k?

Why not make 076 slower and slower overtime as he loses bodymass which would destroy his body’s integrity?

Why not keep 7722 without armor when he actually loses all of it?
these are like the worst changes I’ve ever read ngl
It's because of lag, the server is just so terribly unplayable sometimes, especially during later hours. The absurd lag spikes combined with the poor updates have really just kinda made the server hard to play, I can't shoot a CI on surface without my game freezing like hell. Sometimes the lag is so bad I don't see why I should even try to fight, why would I keep playing when I'm at a constant sub 30 fps with insane lag spike.

It also really feels like 8837, D-Class/Janitor and the dimensions updates were mistakes, they don't make gameplay better, it's significantly laggier after those updates, and they seem like they're just a cash grab for paid jobs. All of the chem updates lately also haven't really added anything to gameplay, they're just bloat, Class-X is useless, and nobody uses the gas grenades except for the tear gas or ventanyl for trolling.
Jan 6, 2023
It also really feels like 8837, D-Class/Janitor and the dimensions updates were mistakes, they don't make gameplay better, it's significantly laggier after those updates, and they seem like they're just a cash grab for paid jobs. All of the chem updates lately also haven't really added anything to gameplay, they're just bloat, Class-X is useless, and nobody uses the gas grenades except for the tear gas or ventanyl for trolling.
Dimensions are the biggest addition to the lag

The lag was acceptable when they were temporarily removed due to there being a bug with them

it worsened when they got readded
i think there's something that's been touched on that everyone seems to be missing -

since we're powerless to do anything about the root cause (because poor server performance and host hoo-ha), why are we not trying to mitigate the symptoms of the problem in the interim?

why are we not considering a temporary blanket nerf to breaches until we do get improved server performance? stop focusing on the things we can't address and focus on the things we can.

the only thing i can think of is that content has to be 1:1 and would have to be applied to both servers and since US isn't having this issue, it wouldn't make sense to apply to them.

...except that doesn't work in this circumstance - do you know what else is only affecting one server right now? major performance issues. my idea here isn't a content change, it's an emergency stopgap measure. imo, a temporary UK-only blanket SCP nerf to mitigate the byproducts of server performance issues outside of our control is not unreasonable here

am i crazy
Sep 10, 2023
With this discussion popping up, would you say this is a quality in players or departments slacking, and not caring for when breaches occur, or is there a gameplay mechanic which inhibits their ability to deal with breaches?
If you could provide clarity in your own opinions on this matter that'd be great
One of the major issues for Foundation is that SCPs can effectively camp between PW Loop - Medbay. Which makes it so the only Combatives who can consistently respond are Combat Medics (Which incentivies SCPs to run into medbay to kill them quickly)

Especially if PW bulk is closed that gives only one real direction SCPs need to worry about having armed forces coming from
Apr 5, 2024
Recently, We, E-11 managed to contain a 6 scp breach without ERT. This shows that teamwork can make the dreamwork. Honestly, we need to improve the efficiency regarding breaches. Most of the time, people kill eachother due to crossfire, before doing anything meaningful. Also, going in one by one is not the way either, 90% of them time.


Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 19, 2023
I think Etat is often overlooked is the massive shadow buff 079 received by removing the TE-5s in his containment cell. Like why ?? Now as soon as you die you need to wait 30 minutes until you can try again to recontain him. And any decent hacker can do anything he wants in that time even more if he has SCPs defending him.


Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 19, 2023
Then CI got a buff with dimensions , which let them walk past E-11 without any cost and set up for any SCP they want. And enter dimension where ever they want. Meanwhile E-11 need to utilize an SCP which spawns at the beginning of LLCZ and doesn’t have to much going for it.


Well-known Member
Dec 13, 2022
Albeit I left like 2 years ago, we had the same issue back then.

If the players on the SCP's are actually good, they cause a Black-Code in mere 5-10 minutes after breaching. Nobody could stop them because people rarely want to PVP with SCP's and instead prioritized shoot-outs with other human factions, like the MTF vs CHAOS, or similar stuff.

Code blacks happen way too frequently because causing them was (still is? Again, left like 2 years ago) way too easy. I remember when I broke out as 173 and the Doctor broke out with me, and we essentially steamrolled the site because "haha, let's let all of the SCP's out of their cage because we have the tool to do that".

Don't forget about a decent 079, cause those guys were fucking phenomenal. We had like 3-4 people training non-stop in hacking to essentially steamroll the facility as 079, I kind of get the gimmick, hacking stuff was pretty fun in the day.

I have a feeling that code black should be changed in a way that is more fitting for the RP process, instead of "Black" - do a "Red" one instead, and leave the "Black" codes for RP purposes and/or scheduled events and for actually mad-insane breaches.

"But why talk about code Black?" - Cause after Code Black is announced everything goes to shit immediately. Everyone starts to panic, be that IRL, as a meme or for the RP process, and everyone wants to get out, even the boys (LOOKING AT YOU, GSD!) that are supposed to stay back and stop the never-ending onslaught of D-Classes and the SCP's.