Denied Tank Shell Change

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion changes how tank shells work, mostly making them stronger against infantry, as it currently stands tank shells do a ton of damage to single targets, however have little to no splash radius on the explosive shell., I presume this is to make it like its firing a APFSDS shell / some form of AP shell. I understand why this exists however it makes tanks incredibly ineffective against infantry due to the 3rd gunner on most tanks being buggy (camera positioning makes them hard to aim, other than the t-14 for ussr)

I am proposing two methods of making tank shells better, one will require dev time while the other could probably just be done by a Super Admin / NL.

Easy Method:
Just increase the overall explosive radius of tank shells, this will need to be tested to show how the shells will do against vehicles / structures to make sure they're basically the same outside of the radius being larger. I dont think this should be accepted/implemented as it'd just be a straight buff to tanks, however its up to content.

Dev Method:
Adding a tank shell system, specifically adding two forms of shells:
- APFSDS = A form of armour piercing shell commonly used in modern tanks.
- HE / HESH = High Explosive shells, typically used against infantry / structures.

APFSDS / APHE: This will act like the basic shell that tanks currently use, doing a good amount of damage vs tanks, however will do significantly less damage to structures and has little to no explosive radius, as APFSDS doesnt have a large explosive mass. This shell will not do alot of damage to lightly armoured vehicles.

HE / HESH: HE rounds will serve as anti-infantry and anti-strucutre, doing the same amount of damage to structures as current shells, while also having a decent explosive radius to fight infantry effectively. This shell will not do any damage to armoured vehicles however will do large damage to lightly armoured vehicles.

(OPTIONAL) Smoke Shells, to provide long-range smoke cover for infantry. This will do no damage to vehicles, infantry or structures

Changing shell-type will force a reload, longer than the base reload, perhaps 10s.
I also believe tanks should only carry a set amount of shells, being restockable at repair bays / base. e.g TAM can only carry 5 HE rounds and 10 APFSDS, while the T-14 can carry 15 HE and 10 APFSDS, making certain tanks more valuable while also forcing them to RTB more often due to lack of ammo.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

I'm really not sure, however I feel this gives a more realistic tank experience.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
More strategy to tank fighting, as engaging a tank with HE / HESH will be a death sentence due to not doing damage.
More strategy to infantry fighting vs tanks, as tanks will need to specifically be using HE / HESH while infantry will need to rely on cover and long-distances more often.
Overall buff to tanks, as tanks can effectively fight infantry making them more important towards a war.
Minor buff to lightly armoured vehicles, as tanks need to switch tank shell to engage lightly armoured vehicles.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Will make infantry more difficult, as having explosive radius on tank shells could make it difficult to fight against.
Obvious dev time if Content Team wish to accept the dev method.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I feel like this would be an amazing change to tank regiments, all tank players understand that fighting infantry is one of the worst things to deal with (typically), as infantry are able to hide more effectively and have a large stockpile of AT4s (most having around 6/7 AT4s),

I understand that infantry players might not appreciate this suggestion, as its just suggesting an outright buff against infantry, however please realise that this will be a more realistic change for tanks and will make the overall tanking experience require more strategy.
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Well-known Member
May 17, 2024

Helps tank regiments from being absolutely annihalted in 0.0000001 seconds by the dozen AT4s launched at it the second it's spotted
So, let me make this simple based on game logic and balance. Tank shells work like HEAT shells, which mostly damage tanks but have a small radius to damage infantry. Im not 100% sure if the code is done right for alot of the tanks (only people with FTP can see this) but the radius is about 150-100 which is small and the damage is 30-40. If tanks got the large radius blast radius then Tank fight would just be hit the floor next to the tank and do damage which is not healthy and also Inf would struggle as well.

I plan to make this a big change later when I get the time to switch to LVS because it supports shell types.

Also, I will be talking to the Content Team later if they want to have Realism to Ammo count for Vehicles so they also work like Helis with Resupplying them.

Another thing that will be looked at is the Anti-tank role of Infranty. I have already brought up on removing some AT4 jobs since Air Regiments shouldn't need them. But they will need to be buffed for the update and the idea of adding components to vehicles to crit them like ammo racks and turret damage to slow them down. This will be brought to the content team and tank regiments for balance reasons.

1 more thing. The tank shells SHOULD COME FROM INSIDE OF THE BARREL and not from end of the barrel because most of the time the shell just goes thru a tank if the barrel is inside the tank
Blame the creators of each tank they put it in random places most of the time. it is either at the end, the middle, or the first section of the tank barrel. I can fix it but this is just more time being eaten from me finishing up the LVS conversion

As a developer it's already Partially Accepted but only when LVS comes. for Simfphy is not happening right now because of a limit in Ventz code that breaks the UI and weapons.
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