Lewis's Military-RP Staff Application

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MRP War Veteran
Dec 13, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Ivcky

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 7 weeks and 3 days.

Age: I am 19 years of age.

In what country are you located?: United Kingdom

Time zone: BST

NATO name (regiment and rank): 17thAR PVT Lewis

USSR name (regiment and rank): ABT JLT Lewis [HBI] [ORS] [BOH] OPSL-4

Civilian name: The Redacted Guy

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93331829

Do you have a mic?: Yes, I do have a microphone.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is the first staff application that I have ever made in this community apart from a few applications for Discord & In-game Ban Appeals

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I have received 8 Warnings, One Major Ban and One Kick.

8 Warnings;

Listed Below

Screenshot (1370).png

RPG on one man (December 30th 2020) - Spawned in and accidentally fired an RPG at a person spawning on a FOB in highlands. - 10th MSGT

Matadoring 4+ (January 2nd 2021) - I think this was the warning where I fired an RPG when spawning in and killing my regiment. - 10th SWO

ROE ( March 28th 2021) - Broke the Rule of Engagement as ABT on Highlands.

Character Abuse - (November 27th 2021) ( Changing to start war and switching back)

Base Bombing - (Bombed USSR base while dogfighting ABT on Afghan) - (December 1st 2021)

Lying to Staff - (Tried to get an Blackfoot restocked by using an old screenshot) - (December 2nd 2021)

Random Death Match (RDM) - (I fired upon a person which I thought who was shooting at me which they didn't.) (December 9th 2021)

Those that haven't been included, I have forgotten the reason.


Banned Three Weeks for Cheating - (Thursday 28th Jan 2021)


Lag Prevention - [Kick] - AFK Lag Prevention - I slept while my computer was on running Garry's Mod.​

Although the ban and some of the warnings are severe, I have learnt from this and became a better person in the community and became more matured and friendly, helping staff with sits and become more involved with the community. I am now a person that understands the rules and consequences of my action and wish not to break any further rules in the community.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:​

I have previous experience as an staff member in multiple communities, ranging from Mod to Super-Admin, which also include as a main developer for servers.

Near 4000 hours of playing Garry's Mod Servers and mainly 2500 hours of that number is mainly playing as staff on multiple servers.

Commands for Staff;

!bring - This will be used in Admin sits to bring players to the sit.

!jail - This is to prevent any mass rdmers from escaping the sits or to prevent them from chasing other players to kill them.

!jailtp - This will teleport the player in a jail cell to yourself so you can deal with them on your current position.

!mute - This could be used to prevent any mic spam or racism slurs from being committed in-game.

!gag - disables the player's microphone in-game to prevent them from speaking.

!kick - This will be used if they're not fully English and cannot understand it, to prevent lag (Lag Prevention).

!xban - Opens an ban window and fills out SteamID automatically if a player was specified in that window.

!fban - Opens an ban window, freezes the specified player, and fills out the SteamID or their name automatically

!hp - Sets the health of any current player that is included in your sit, this will increase their hp or what value that you have set it to.

!cloak - This is to prevent people from shooting you in wars, watching over people, this could also prevent people's immersion from being broken.

!freeze - The player will be frozen on the spot and they are restricted from shooting people or move.

!unjail - This is to remove the jail cell on the player and make them unrestricted from moving.

!removevehicle - This is to remove helicopters or tanks after war or in peacetime for trainings or try-outs, mainly used for peacetime activities, but might be used to remove and restock helicopters or tanks if they're not being used if requested by an player.

!audit - Audit lets staff to check promo/demo and vehicle logs.

!ban - Bans the player from the server, if any severe rules have been broken such as MRDM or racism.

!banid - Bans the player's ID from the server if they LTAP.

!spectate - Spectates a player if they are being accused of breaking an rule or to spectate a player that reports that something is happening to them.

!unban - Unbans the player from the server and allow them to re-join the server, this is mainly used for higher-ups of the staff team.

!tp - teleports the player in front of you, this is used in sits or if they're stuck in a structure and requires to be replaced.

!goto - This command is to go to a fellow player if a rule is being broken or they're reporting someone.

!send - goes to the player that you targeted.

!return - Returns the player to their original position before you brought them into the sit.

!uncloak - makes the admin to appear from being cloaked.

/character - This brings up the players character which you can assign licenses or check their character.

/warnings - This brings up your warnings in a tab.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
My hours are very flexible due to being in college, I can dedicate 8-10 hours everyday depending on the day, as I am quite active throughout the day and at night-time, but I will be very active on the weekends.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
I want to be apart of the staff team on Military-RP as I have been on the server for almost 1 year or so, making a lot of new friends and be apart of the community has greatly increased my social skills, I want to help people in-game and bring back something to the community. As an staff moderator you gain a lot of respect and you become more matured, I want to explore the server further and to help out both teams on the server, helping out the community.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I think I am more experienced as an staff member as I have quite the range of ulx commands that will help me in the server, have a basic knowledge of the rules and not afraid to ask for help from my mentor if I receive one. I can be strict on players breaking rules and deal with them appropriately, I will always bring my best to a role if I have been assigned to, I've been helping new players and showing them around the server, guiding them how to become a better player and get them recognised and for them to achieve their goals in the server. I'm active in-game and on team speak, interacting with players and having fun.

Thank you for viewing my application and can't wait to hear your responses.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 10, 2021
Neutral leaning -support
+staff experience

+knows all neccesary commands
+been with the server a long time
-lots of warns

-some severe warns (lying to staff warn)
-severe ban
-short application


Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Mar 18, 2021
Neutral leaning -support
+staff experience
+knows all neccesary commands
+been with the server a long time

-lots of warns
-some severe warns (lying to staff warn)
-severe ban
-short application

alright i dont know why ur going with a neutral here

1) "lots of warns", if u call that lots of warnings then some staff members probs wont even be staff
2) "some severe warns" that warning is over 4 months ago, maybe something to forget about?
3) "severe ban" that ban is over a YEAR old i think most people would say he has moved on from that
4) short application? THIS IS A VARY LONG APPLICATION?
i dont really think u actually took the time to read his application and just looked at this warnings and say "yeah i dont want him as staff"

but for my really verdict is +support
he has been on the server for a long time now and should be given a chance to become one

good luck lewis.


MRP War Veteran
Feb 26, 2021

Cool guy, very approachable and active. Best of luck, Lewis!


Well-known Member
Mar 15, 2022

Great show of understanding of commands
you are really active and have pretty good rule knowledge
a very kind person but a reasonable person

I would probably write more about why you want to be a Mod cause it looks a bit short

Good luck with the Staff Application my man
Oct 24, 2021
+ MEGA support
+ very friendly
+ very detailed Mod app
+ very active (Ts and in game)
+ very fun to be around

-has a few warnings, but all from 2021

Lewis im very glad you made a Mod app, im sure you can get accepted with out a dought


MRP War Veteran
Dec 13, 2021
Thank you for your verdicts on my staff application, I appreciate it, regarding pawn's suggestion, I will edit my application further.


Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2022

+Good Application
+Seems Mature

-Warnings and bans

Hey Lewis. Despite your previous warnings and bans, I will give you support your moderator application as I believe you could make a good member of staff.

Feb 21, 2022

Hey Lewis! I'm gonna have to give you a +Support for sure. You're very friendly, mature and active. I had no problems playing with you in the past few months. You're a caring person, either for others or for the community. Inside JAF you were one of the best COs, putting others above you all the time. You have many warnings, but I know you learned a lot from it as you now are very aware of the rules and even call out others for it!

I wish you the best of luck!


MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021

+Good guy
+Good Activity

-Many warnings

For the reasons above I give you neutral, good luck


Active member
Apr 3, 2022
United States.
I have chosen to go with support for these reasons:
Quite active.
- Very friendly, supportive, and genuine person.
- Have had amazing interactions when I was in JAF, and just in general.
- Pretty good with being mature.
Now, the part where I do have to list a couple of flaws:
Never uses microphone.
- Somewhat unsure of rule knowledge as people have stated some things above.
- Unsure if fully ready for being apart of the staff team.

Although me leaving 3 flaws you have, it won't degrade my +ver.
You're a very friendly guy Lewis and I appreciate that. You just seem to be a little unready for being apart of the staff team.
Other than that would love to see you advance in the server pal.

+Well made application

=Unsure on rule knowledge, but seems decent

Hi there Lewis, you are an extremely active player both in game and on teamspeak. As well as this throughout my time in JAF you have always been extremely friendly and helpful. I have never had a negative interaction or experience with you and as stated above I think you are quite mature which is why I have decided to give you a +Support on your application. Best of luck!
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