MilitaryRP - Staff Application - miennx

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Active member
Dec 10, 2024

Your Username: miennx

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:181074909

Discord Username: shxrio

Age: 24

What's your current playtime: 02D 09H 2M 47S

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Mien - NATO, Podka - USSR

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is the first application I have made on this community.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: No, I have not received any warning or bans.

How many hours can you be on everyday: I can be on everyday, 12-24 hours each day.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: Yes, I have been staff on multiple servers and communities in the past, I have even owned and manged my own server on different games. I understand lua code on GMOD as well. On GMOD, I was a staff manager and super admin on Star Wars RP servers, I even was a co-owner on a Military RP in 2016. I understand the rules, the responsibilies and the fairness, respect and honesty I need to give towards players.

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: I have long wanted to be part of the special forces on this community, I recently achieved both Special Forces regiments on each faction. This has been my greatest achievement, it shows that I am the best of the best "who dares wins" and that I am skilled enough to be part of the regiment and lead the battle in each war. My other achievement was to be able to be part of this great community! Even though there are some things on this community I disagree with, I am happy I have found both the regiments that I can call friends.

Why would you like to become a staff member: I would like to become a staff member because I have been on this server for a while now and I would like to make a difference in this community and bring a smile on each players face. I have heard a lot of trash talk about staff and how they do things wrong, favouritism, etc. I do not want each player to think this towards staff and I want to make a difference, bring a smile to someone's face when giving them a sit and make things fair and better. I believe I can change this community and bring fun to it instead of toxicity. I would also like to become a staff member because I like this community and would like to dedicate myself more to it!

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: I would speak positively with enthusiasm, kindness and hopefully that will give them an impact and give them an idea to how they should approach most players. Yes I would use the right tools, plan and prioritise anything to make the server better. I will reduce the "toxicity" and bring kindness, fairness and honour among all ranks in the community. I will be active and give most my time to the sever and get rid of any rudeness, minge players who are not interested in the community and want to bring havoc. I will improve the respect and qualities from each staff member so we can all make a difference on this server.

Thank you for listening and I hope you can accept me as part of the team :)


Active member
Dec 10, 2024
had a crash 0ut recently today, control your anger and I see no problems
I didn't like the way some people act in TeamSpeak call, like when people say the N word and when people try to speak yardie like saying "bombaclart" it just offensive and got me a bit mad but I understand, thank you very much, I will not display any anger when becoming staff, I shall keep it professional at all cost!


Active member
Dec 10, 2024
Never interacted with nor seen you active man.
You problem I guess plus how is this helping and why does it matter? I have been active, I have seen and interacted with you before so?


Active member
Dec 10, 2024
Sorry man but i dont think alot of us know who you are
Is this what you do? Say this on everyone's application so they can't get it? I would like the chance to become staff. II have been with this community nearly 3 years, I have the proof. If you have not seen me, that's a you problem. I come on, I do the war, I interact with my comrades in regiment then I go off. Who are you again?


Active member
Dec 10, 2024
Also how is me not interacting with you or you not seeing me before has anything to do with me wanting to be staff? Does it matter that you have seen me or not? Stop trying to jeopardize my application please.
Jul 16, 2023
Also how is me not interacting with you or you not seeing me before has anything to do with me wanting to be staff? Does it matter that you have seen me or not? Stop trying to jeopardize my application please.
its not jeopardizing if people dont know who you are or the majority of people your just simply not gonna be favoured too get it


Active member
Dec 10, 2024
its not jeopardizing if people dont know who you are or the majority of people your just simply not gonna be favoured too get it
you problem if you have not seen me but I have been seen and people know me.
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