Denied Make RMP & KGB roleplay based, not punishment based.

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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Dec 24, 2020
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Making the police regiments being there for roleplay reasons mainly, not to put people in jail for 60 minutes. My suggestion is lowering the jail times by this:
3min -> 30 sec
5min-> 1 min
10 min - > 2.5 min
15 min - > 5 min
20 min - > 7.5 min
25 min- > 10 min
30 min - > 12.5 min
35 min -> 13 min
40 min -> 13.5 min
45 min -> 14 min
50 min-> 14.5 min
55 min -> 15 min
60 min -> 15 min

MAXIMUM JAIL TIME = 20 minutes.
Right now, if you for example "spark a manhunt" you can be jailed for 60 (!!!) minutes, and in my honest opinion manhunts are fun, and the person we are hunting has to stay in jail for AN HOUR??.


0-5 minutes : Infraction
5-10 minutes Misdemeanor
10-20 minutes Felony

Having 2 infractions = 1 misdemeanor, 2 misdemeanors = 1 felony etc etc.
To make sure people dont abuse the lower jail times, if someone has 3 or 4 felonies within 30d(depending on what SL wants), they will automatically get demoted, and if they then after that get even more felonies, HC and RC gets notified.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't believe so.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
More RP
People arent stuck in jail for 30-60 minutes and switch to the other side
By doing this, we would allow people to me more daring, for example, committing riots, prison breaks, sparking manhunts etc.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

I really cannot think of anything

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think this would help create more roleplay and would make the police regiments less "hated" and more welcomed.
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first of all the lawbook within the jail of kgb is outdated, our max scentence is 25/30 minutes.

these times are waay to short, 30 takes longer to arrest someone and bring him to jail then 30 seconds. especially for manhuts which we only put on as a charge if it takes us to catch you for like 15min approxiomatly (not including the walk back oor jailing just the straight up running) that means our time is also getting used to catch your ass because you can't follow some simple laws.
for riots i would say we could do this for a event, when people have a biig problem and it got called in atleast some hours before hand like hey we going to riot this time so it is atleast fair for the kgb as you can get like 1 kgb all of a sudden having to arrest 20 people who try to kill him and just bully... that shit hurts on our mental health by the way.

Prisonbreak is painfull as shit, we take aproxomitly 5-10 minutes to arrest someone to just get shot down while we try to do our job.. it is if i would just walk into ag bunks and shoot the people training hacking just because they are doing their job.

this could be a event (this already has been a event like twice or more) buut then we had atleast multipel kgb and people who would help us. And not for just some dude complaining or some reg just being bored and wanting to rdm.

(this was writen before the whole text above soo read this after the max scentence thingy) most of our lawbook has a secundary option called bail. misdemeanors and infractions have those (which if you ask and you are nice we will say yes and even reduce the bail): bail/fines is time x 1000.

There is also the punishments as forced labor work, pt's, demotions, executions and removal of certain licenses.
if someone gets arrested for 30min+ tell the KGB CO team please oor GRU/VGU as they are our IA unit.

i also feel like time is up to the uhc and RMPC RC's as they know how much of a annoyance some people can be if we arrest them.


'ROLEPLAY based'

Tell me sahnse... WHO TF RP's on MRP?! we are one of the only reg that does something peacetime wise that can be seen as rp which is defend the gates , jail people if they commit a crime (mainly felonies) aand defend cc/cs and bunksearches. Most reg either fight or just shoot eachother..that is great roleplay. if this suggestion would happen then just change kgb into a more combat focused reg as like it takes away our job to baby sit most of your guys asses as the laws are most of the times rules that we enforce and not staff... i can always just ask staff to deal with a rdm inplace of us arresting you guys if you want but that is up to you.

If you want more rp try to ask each reg to be more responsible, use their brain and be less mingy and rp first and then complain and bitch to one of the only reg who try to make peace time active (even when most bunksearches are chaotic because nobody likes it even when we try to make it funny by searching the actual bunks by /me oor anytihng) .

I also think you should think about the mental backlash each and every arrest gives us like hell i left this community because i couldn't see myself to even do anything because of how fucked up you guys were every time one of us arrested you guys. (luckly i am fine now) each fign comment you guys make goes to a person who takes his time of day to make sure that the base isn't in chaos. and i know this respond is mean because i am tired and just mad as i and @StefanZEW rioted against the 60minute lawbook which they changed and now you guys want it lowered??? be happy with the times you have as we can always change them to the old lawbook.
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Jan 10, 2025

Roleplay based yeah sure if everybody is just trying nonstop to get arrested or to anny us we should reward them by giving them less jail time.

As drako already mentiond KGB and RMP im pretty sure is extrmyl fucking overwhelmed with the amount of crime commited. Your idea as you mentiond as a positive(wtf?!) would reward these people by annoying us non stop and commiting crimes because they want to get attention.

Im not against the idea of riots as a cool roleplay peacetime event. But only as an event or when a group really wants to make High command aware of an issue and like 10 people say ''Yeah we want to do a riot'' and then do it organized and not as the spontanous reaction because some smurf wrote ''Free my 1SGT'' in chat after we arrest him for murdering sombody.

Also as drako already said max sentence is 30 Minutes and most people get way less than that because felonys are not commited that often.

I would rather like to see improvements to the court system so it can be actually viably be used because in over 2 Years of playing MRP ive never seen the court once.

And also to severly punish RDM and other stuff because drako alrady managed that nobody is roleplaying in RMP.(Which in my opinion has mainly to do with wars being a call of duty cs go mix and tactics falling immensly short.(Somthing like FOBS needing supplys to respawn people would help as catching supply trucks would be a viable tactic))
This would discourage people from constantly just trolling in peactime because they got nothing better to do(Also more Peacetime activitys.)
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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Dec 24, 2020
first of all the lawbook within the jail of kgb is outdated, our max scentence is 25/30 minutes.
If you get a SA this will take 2 minutes to fix.

.it takes longer to arrest someone and bring him to jail then 30 seconds. especially for manhuts which we only put on as a charge if it takes us to catch you for like 15min approxiomatly (not including the walk back oor jailing just the straight up running) that means our time is also getting used to catch your ass because you can't follow some simple laws.
The times I added was as a suggestion only, some charges would be higher some would be lower, and I'm not saying it would be capped at 20 minutes if SL thinks thats too low. with the 2-3 minute arrests, its kinda the same, whats the point of cuffing them and dragging them to jails to arrest them for 2 minutes?

There is also the punishments as forced labor work, pt's, demotions, executions and removal of certain licenses.
if someone gets arrested for 30min+ tell the KGB CO team please oor GRU/VGU as they are our IA unit.
Forced labor, PT's, demotions and executions are so rarely used I cannot remember ONCE I have seen it been used because someone was arrested. For me and for other players, the laws just feel like another set of rules, and if you break a couple of them you're stuck in jail for 60 minutes (on nato) or 30 minutes on USSR, even 30 minutes is a lot, and from a server health side of view, thats 1 player that WILL go AFK, or maybe even leave because they cannot be bothered.
Tell me sahnse... WHO TF RP's on MRP?! we are one of the only reg that does something peacetime wise that can be seen as rp which is defend the gates , jail people if they commit a crime (mainly felonies) aand defend cc/cs and bunksearches. Most reg either fight or just shoot eachother..that is great roleplay. if this suggestion would happen then just change kgb into a more combat focused reg as like it takes away our job to baby sit most of your guys asses as the laws are most of the times rules that we enforce and not staff... i can always just ask staff to deal with a rdm inplace of us arresting you guys if you want but that is up to you.

If you want more rp try to ask each reg to be more responsible, use their brain and be less mingy and rp first and then complain and bitch to one of the only reg who try to make peace time active (even when most bunksearches are chaotic because nobody likes it even when we try to make it funny by searching the actual bunks by /me oor anytihng) .

I also think you should think about the mental backlash each and every arrest gives us like hell i left this community because i couldn't see myself to even do anything because of how fucked up you guys were every time one of us arrested you guys. (luckly i am fine now) each fign comment you guys make goes to a person who takes his time of day to make sure that the base isn't in chaos. and i know this respond is mean because i am tired and just mad as i and @StefanZEW rioted against the 60minute lawbook which they changed and now you guys want it lowered??? be happy with the times you have as we can always change them to the old lawbook.
I feel like this is just a big rant on the playerbase so I will not respond to this.

As drako already mentiond KGB and RMP im pretty sure is extrmyl fucking overwhelmed with the amount of crime commited.
not really, atleast on NATO there isnt a lot of people that committ too many crimes.

Im not against the idea of riots as a cool roleplay peacetime event. But only as an event or when a group really wants to make High command aware of an issue and like 10 people say ''Yeah we want to do a riot'' and then do it organized and not as the spontanous reaction because some smurf wrote ''Free my 1SGT'' in chat after we arrest him for murdering sombody.
If its done as an event, my suggestion wont even matter because they wont be arrested anways....

And also to severly punish RDM and other stuff because drako alrady managed that nobody is roleplaying in RMP.

From what I've read it seems like you both really would like to keep the times as they are, but the only thing that really changes for USSR is that the max timer goes from 30 to 20... it is a WAAAY bigger change for NATO than it is for USSR. I hope you also realize that this suggestion may not get accepted, and even if it gets denied they may take some of my ideas, maybe none of them, or it may get accepted. So if it does end up being accepted that doesnt mean that the times I put will be final or that they will even be lowered that much, my MAIN suggestion is the title, to turn RMP & KGB from police to RP.


Well-known Member
Aug 28, 2024

Jail times are way too long, especially with shorter peacetime. Sitting in jail for 60 minutes makes players miss wars or other activities, which kills the fun. Shorter times would keep things moving and more enjoyable.

There also needs to be a system to track repeat offenders for demotion, and adding other punishments like fines, mandatory training, or losing licenses would mix things up.

This should be handled internally by HC/RC so RMP and KGB can adjust jail times and punishments to fit their needs.
Feb 6, 2022

I can't stress enough how much more KGB is respected when they're not acting like nazi's and when they actually make it more role-play oriented.

God bless my man @Kiwi his FSB and AOR was not focused on arrest arrest arrest and have people sit in jail for something small and make them switch sides. He made it so there was an alternative way for people to learn from their mistakes. God bless mr kizzle


Jan 10, 2025
not really, atleast on NATO there isnt a lot of people that committ too many crimes.
That an USSR problem then my point dosent change.
If its done as an event, my suggestion wont even matter because they wont be arrested anways....
I made it in the sense of Some people doing a riot vs KGB and getting eventually arrested.
Jail times are way too long, especially with shorter peacetime. Sitting in jail for 60 minutes makes players miss wars or other activities, which kills the fun. Shorter times would keep things moving and more enjoyable.
You are not allowed to arrest people in war and are forced to release them when war starts.
There also needs to be a system to track repeat offenders for demotion, and adding other punishments like fines, mandatory training, or losing licenses would mix things up.

This should be handled internally by HC/RC so RMP and KGB can adjust jail times and punishments to fit their needs.
There is all that. There is a Repeart offender rule if sombody commits the same crime 3 times in 30 days his charge is automatically upgraded to a felony.

The Jail times are already lower.
Current KGB and RMP doesn't work. This is a novel concept to try and improve things. People are unhappy with KGB currently and to be honest if people think they ruin their experience (regardless of what KGB think) than there is fundamentally something wrong
The Issue is people commiting crimes 24/7 and if we just stop enforcing the laws have fun when peacetime is a Free For All all the time.
Its so fun to sit in a box with no one to talk for 60 minutes!
Dont commit crimes then? Even if your on Nato where 60 Minutes are Possible you have to do somthing really fucked up like mass murder or being a traitor to get 60 minutes. At this point its entirely on you if you commit somthing that serious. Becasus you have to do somthing very serious to get that 60 mins.
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MilitaryRP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 5, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hello @sahns , this is a thing that RMP HC have to speak about and make a change where they see fit.

Thank you for your time to make this suggestion!
Take care,
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