[UK] Cain Morris Staff Blacklist Appeal

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Aug 27, 2023
Name: Cain 'Homeless' Morris

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:702727365

Previous Rank (convert if required): Trial Moderator.

Who demoted you?: Neptune, Kayla, Tommy Lee, Cece as group decision.

Date of demotion?: 29/12/24

What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK.

What is the case against you?: There are two cases against me, both for RDM. These led to infraction and since I was still on trial period it led to a 3 month blacklist.

Is this true?: In a sense yes but I am going to try and disprove them.

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No.

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:
What is your side of the story?: For the first case, It was of a Parawatch who broke into foundation, ran to RSD wing and I followed, I found the Parawatch and gunpointed him but he pulled out a gun and I thought he had shot me. This is where the RDM comes in, he was later captured and I ordered his death because I thought he shot me but that was disproven later via logs showing he inflicted no damage to me. This was genuinly a mistake that I had made and that is on me.

For the second case it was in D-Block during a riot and I was stationed at the right cell door. Lots of D-Class piled up there and one managed to get on my head and get out while I had my back turned I think another D-Class got on my head and punched me on my head. When that D-Class on my head punched me I could not see him and I had my back turned to the D-Class cells and I saw a D-Class standing just behind the cell door with fists out so I thought he punched me and ran back so I shot him dead. This is another mistake on my part but it was also a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time as I couldn't see the D-Class on me and when I got punched I turned around to see him with fists out which led me to believe it was him.

Why should you return / what will you change?:
I should begin with that I am very sorry and apologetic for my actions. I believe I should return as these both cases are of me making errors that lead to a big consequence. I believe I should return also because of how I was doing in staff to which my mentor said "I didn't expect you to be this good as a Tmod", this leads me to believe I was doing a exeptionally good job as staff and that makes me believe I would be a good asset on the staff team.

What I will change is that I will ALWAYS validate a situation before engaging it to ensure it would not violate any of the servers rules. This was something I didn't do then and will 100% change.
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- Support

As stated on the application for staff initially, I dont believe you are ready to move into the staff team. You have a large amount of bans and warnings, I've had questionable interactions with you and didn't seem ready in the slightest. This only proves the point that you need some time, these mistakes shown in your appeal are basics when it comes to the rules. It's coming up to 3 weeks since the demotion and blacklist, so I do think it's considerable to allow this but from what I understand with your demotion appeal.
I believe I should return also because of how I was doing in staff to which my mentor said "I didn't expect you to be this good as a Tmod"
Statements like this never go well in an appeal, if you were so good then why didn't you see the clear red flags when committing the rule breaks. I had interactions in staff sits with you that suggest that you are not ready for staff yet. Coming to conclusions quickly without perspectives and stating punishments before the situation is not clear.


Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022
Appeal Response

Hello @Cain_Morris14

Thank you for making a appeal,

After reading through your appeal, it is blatant that you broke rules and failed to adhere to the Staff Handbook and server rules during your trial period on which you were being mentored to enforce.
Unfortuantely we won't be a lifting your staff blacklist at this time.

You may not re appeal this, however you may make a complaint if you think the situation was mishandled.

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