Name: Cain 'Homeless' Morris
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:702727365
Previous Rank (convert if required): Trial Moderator.
Who demoted you?: Neptune, Kayla, Tommy Lee, Cece as group decision.
Date of demotion?: 29/12/24
What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK.
What is the case against you?: There are two cases against me, both for RDM. These led to infraction and since I was still on trial period it led to a 3 month blacklist.
Is this true?: In a sense yes but I am going to try and disprove them.
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No.
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:
What is your side of the story?: For the first case, It was of a Parawatch who broke into foundation, ran to RSD wing and I followed, I found the Parawatch and gunpointed him but he pulled out a gun and I thought he had shot me. This is where the RDM comes in, he was later captured and I ordered his death because I thought he shot me but that was disproven later via logs showing he inflicted no damage to me. This was genuinly a mistake that I had made and that is on me.
For the second case it was in D-Block during a riot and I was stationed at the right cell door. Lots of D-Class piled up there and one managed to get on my head and get out while I had my back turned I think another D-Class got on my head and punched me on my head. When that D-Class on my head punched me I could not see him and I had my back turned to the D-Class cells and I saw a D-Class standing just behind the cell door with fists out so I thought he punched me and ran back so I shot him dead. This is another mistake on my part but it was also a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time as I couldn't see the D-Class on me and when I got punched I turned around to see him with fists out which led me to believe it was him.
Why should you return / what will you change?: I should begin with that I am very sorry and apologetic for my actions. I believe I should return as these both cases are of me making errors that lead to a big consequence. I believe I should return also because of how I was doing in staff to which my mentor said "I didn't expect you to be this good as a Tmod", this leads me to believe I was doing a exeptionally good job as staff and that makes me believe I would be a good asset on the staff team.
What I will change is that I will ALWAYS validate a situation before engaging it to ensure it would not violate any of the servers rules. This was something I didn't do then and will 100% change.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:702727365
Previous Rank (convert if required): Trial Moderator.
Who demoted you?: Neptune, Kayla, Tommy Lee, Cece as group decision.
Date of demotion?: 29/12/24
What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK.
What is the case against you?: There are two cases against me, both for RDM. These led to infraction and since I was still on trial period it led to a 3 month blacklist.
Is this true?: In a sense yes but I am going to try and disprove them.
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No.
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:
What is your side of the story?: For the first case, It was of a Parawatch who broke into foundation, ran to RSD wing and I followed, I found the Parawatch and gunpointed him but he pulled out a gun and I thought he had shot me. This is where the RDM comes in, he was later captured and I ordered his death because I thought he shot me but that was disproven later via logs showing he inflicted no damage to me. This was genuinly a mistake that I had made and that is on me.
For the second case it was in D-Block during a riot and I was stationed at the right cell door. Lots of D-Class piled up there and one managed to get on my head and get out while I had my back turned I think another D-Class got on my head and punched me on my head. When that D-Class on my head punched me I could not see him and I had my back turned to the D-Class cells and I saw a D-Class standing just behind the cell door with fists out so I thought he punched me and ran back so I shot him dead. This is another mistake on my part but it was also a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time as I couldn't see the D-Class on me and when I got punched I turned around to see him with fists out which led me to believe it was him.
Why should you return / what will you change?: I should begin with that I am very sorry and apologetic for my actions. I believe I should return as these both cases are of me making errors that lead to a big consequence. I believe I should return also because of how I was doing in staff to which my mentor said "I didn't expect you to be this good as a Tmod", this leads me to believe I was doing a exeptionally good job as staff and that makes me believe I would be a good asset on the staff team.
What I will change is that I will ALWAYS validate a situation before engaging it to ensure it would not violate any of the servers rules. This was something I didn't do then and will 100% change.
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