Accepted Please add a button that allows us mass kick infantry privates that are 3+ days inactive

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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MilitaryRP Staff
Sep 7, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Allows NHC/UHC to mass kick privates and trainees from the infantry page that are 3+ days inactive.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Don't think so.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- My game won't want to kill itself when I open up the regiment page in game.
- It takes ages to manually kick every 3+ day inactive private and trainee weekly from the page.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Can't see any.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It can take ages to clear out the infantry page and each time you kick somebody it takes you back to the top of the page, if you try to clear it with somebody else it every time you or they kick somebody it takes the other person back to the top of the page.
Upvote 3
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Thank you for your suggestion, but unfortunately, we must politely and somewhat humorously decline your idea to turn the Infantry page into the virtual equivalent of a Roomba on a caffeine high.

While we acknowledge the soul-crushing agony of being yeeted to the top of the page after every single kick (truly, the stuff of nightmares), allowing mass kicks of privates and trainees feels a bit... dictator vibes. Imagine the chaos: NHC/UHC members gleefully hitting the "Mass Kick" button, a digital Thanos snap echoing through the regiment as privates vanish en masse like poorly trained popcorn. It’s less "streamlining" and more "involuntary rapture."

We also can’t ignore the potential for accidental purges. One moment, you’re sipping coffee, the next, you’ve obliterated half the infantry because you misclicked while trying to scroll. “Oops, all privates” is not the cereal box we’re going for here.

Instead, we’d suggest alternative ways to improve the page’s functionality without unleashing a private-pocalypse. If you’d like to propose something less... apocalyptic, we’re all ears!

In the meantime, we salute your efforts to keep the infantry page less “scroll of doom” and more “scroll of mild inconvenience.”
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MilitaryRP Staff
Sep 7, 2022
Thank you for your suggestion, but unfortunately, we must politely and somewhat humorously decline your idea to turn the Infantry page into the virtual equivalent of a Roomba on a caffeine high.

While we acknowledge the soul-crushing agony of being yeeted to the top of the page after every single kick (truly, the stuff of nightmares), allowing mass kicks of privates and trainees feels a bit... dictator vibes. Imagine the chaos: NHC/UHC members gleefully hitting the "Mass Kick" button, a digital Thanos snap echoing through the regiment as privates vanish en masse like poorly trained popcorn. It’s less "streamlining" and more "involuntary rapture."

We also can’t ignore the potential for accidental purges. One moment, you’re sipping coffee, the next, you’ve obliterated half the infantry because you misclicked while trying to scroll. “Oops, all privates” is not the cereal box we’re going for here.

Instead, we’d suggest alternative ways to improve the page’s functionality without unleashing a private-pocalypse. If you’d like to propose something less... apocalyptic, we’re all ears!

In the meantime, we salute your efforts to keep the infantry page less “scroll of doom” and more “scroll of mild inconvenience.”
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MilitaryRP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 5, 2024
Suggestion Accepted

Hello @BenShapiro , we think your suggestion is really useful and it would definitely make removing inactive people easier compared to how we do it at the moment.

Thank you for your time to make this suggestion!
Take care,
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