Jimothy Leaderson's 2nd NHC Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:419417280
Discord name: misterwhizzly#8643
For how long have you played on MRP: Since the beginning of November 2021.
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT+0
NATO name (regiment and rank): JAF MAJ Jimothy Leaderson |AVT-02[HSR]
USSR name (regiment and rank): 10th SD PVT redjimothy
Civilian name: cool jimothy
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
I have 1 previous application shown here:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1 Warning for misuse of stinger on the 3rd of December, I had only just gotten access to it as MSGT and had not realised you were unable to use it on vehicles.

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
My sole experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP comes from JAF, of which I have been CO for 3 and a half months and SCO for a month and a half. This means in many peacetimes and pre wars I have led JAF in helping to build FOBs and ensuring the regiment provides CAS and ground support to NATO.

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
Since my last application, I have led a good amount of wars, some of which have been wins and some of which have been losses. As well as this I have a good amount of experience working with other regiments in NATO, for example coordinating with a 17th AA Arti while I am flying CAS. Furthermore I have also worked with other regiments besides 17th quite well, only yesterday I coordinated war plans with a ISAF SCO to help refine and fully balance out the plans for war, in which we got a major victory.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:

List your strengths and weaknesses:


While this means I think I can bring new tactics to NATO (I have used certain tactics in wars) I am also open to taking in suggestions from people what NATO should do instead, and justifying my own ideas (I have done this prior). I think this can help bring in new strategies and ideas to NATO and achieve us more wins.

Dedicated: I am extremely active and dedicated to JAF, I try to help the regiment as much as I can and ensure people are properly trained in things like co piloting and making sure others practice their piloting alongside trainings in the regiment.

Willingness to learn: While this is a point to repeat, I still think it's important as this was my MRP server and I've come a long way and am willing to learn the duties and responsibilities of a NHC member in the same way I've learnt the duties and responsibilities as a JAF SCO.


Difficulties multitasking:
Sometimes when flying CAS and leading war I can have some difficulties doing both, however this is something I do work to improve upon and is in part to me not having full access to a voiceamp.

Can get frustrated: This is another thing repeated from my previous application, it can happen but has become relatively less common but I can get frustrated which could cloud my judgement.

- Edited to explain warning


MRP War Veteran
Dec 13, 2021

Hey Jimothy, throughout my time in JAF and NATO, I have seen you lead many wars and flying helicopters, cracking down on bad behaviour in JAF. I think you became more matured and you're really active. Good luck Jimothy on your application.

EX-17thAR 2LT
Current ABT SLT



Oct 8, 2021

You have seriously changed your attitude since you became MAJ and your last NHC application. I will explain the reasons the for the +support. You're extremely active in game and TS3 and you're always available on discord. Secondly you're good at war leading and recently got a victory.

I genuinely believe that you would make a good NHC.


Deleted member 1078

+ Support
-Mature & Friendly
-Good leadership
-Probably a good pilot, I have no clue

Having seen you lead and win a number of late night wars I think you'd do great as NHC.
Feb 21, 2022
+ Support

+ Mature, Friendly and Active
+ Really good leader

Hey Jimothy. I'm giving you positive support because I trust you'll be a good NHC member. Your activity is really good. You're on TS3 and IG every day. You've been doing an amazing job at leading wars lately. Even though you used to be a minge, you improved lately, I've not seen you minge once in the past few weeks.

I wish you the best of luck in joining NHC!
Mar 14, 2022
  • Very active.
  • Very approachable and friendly.
  • Has proven himself in staff to be able to handle responsibility.
  • Has a good understanding of the rules.
  • Has good experience leading wars.

  • I sometimes question your maturity but I think vast majority of the times you've proven yourself reliable.
  • JAF isn't at it's best at the moment and I think losing one of their most active officers might hurt.

  • I'm happy to SUPPORT your application and wish ya the best of luck.


MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021

I am going with plus support as I have seen an improvement since your last HC app. Your ability to lead wars and take initiative has improved over the last few weeks and you have started your path to be more mature. If you continue to do this and help develop yourself, you will be a great leader. Being HC means that you are the face of NATO and everyone will look up to you. Work on your behavior when you can, interact more with the community and this will help.

+Good at leading a reg

-Minginess still needs work, but improving

-Good Luck


Active member
Nov 3, 2021

I will quote what I said on your previous application here:

Most of my previous points stand. I have heard that you've improved in the maturity and professionalism aspect of my criticism, which is always good. Thus, I will be giving you a neutral vote based on that majority of people seem to feel as if you've tried your best to change and get better. I still think you need time to grow and learn before you are ready for NHC, but it would seem like you will get accepted either way. However, that does not prevent me from giving you my feedback. If you do get accepted, you really need to work on the aforementioned issues. You can't be messing around in NHC like you did as a SCO.

Good luck,
LTGEN Athena

Owl Hootingson

Active member
Sep 19, 2021

-You are very mingey
-You've not used tactics of any kind as far as i've seen
-Lack of strenghts in application
-I do not think you are mature enough for NHC

+Commited to JAF
Alright so I'll respond to a couple of verdicts here.

-You are very mingey
-You've not used tactics of any kind as far as i've seen
-Lack of strenghts in application
-I do not think you are mature enough for NHC

+Commited to JAF
This one I'll reply to first, you make essentially a similar point twice of I'm not mature and mingey. This has been true for the past but I think I've improved and am trying to improve. Secondly, I do try to use tactics it's possible you may not have directly overseen a war I've led but I do try to use different ideas and such to win. Finally, while my application does only have 3 strengths which may not be much I have attempted to rectify this by expanding on the strengths and explaining them better instead of just writing one word for each strength and making it empty. Some of your input is fair and I appreciate it and will try to better improve in the areas you've pointed out.


I will quote what I said on your previous application here:
View attachment 1353

Most of my previous points stand. I have heard that you've improved in the maturity and professionalism aspect of my criticism, which is always good. Thus, I will be giving you a neutral vote based on that majority of people seem to feel as if you've tried your best to change and get better. I still think you need time to grow and learn before you are ready for NHC, but it would seem like you will get accepted either way. However, that does not prevent me from giving you my feedback. If you do get accepted, you really need to work on the aforementioned issues. You can't be messing around in NHC like you did as a SCO.

Good luck,
LTGEN Athena
Responding to this one next, I agree to some extent and will work on the issues you brought up. However, as you state most of your previous points stand I would assume the moderator one still does as well which from my point of view should be something brought up in the complaints section of the forum than here.

All the verdicts and input has been greatly appreciated and I will work on the main points people have been made.
Last edited:
+ Support

+ Active (In-game & TS)
+ Led wars very well in JAF
+ Friendly
-/+ Mingey (improved on that)

Hello Jimothy, you can be a minge & unprofessional sometimes but I think you really improved on that. Haven't had any problems with you lately and I really think you changed your behavior which is very good. With that said, I think you would be a great addition to the NHC Team.

Before I say why my verdict is a +Support, I just want to say that I’m going with what I saw on USSR and little interactions in JAF.

I have seen Jimothy lead wars often when there’s no NHC on. He had decent results from my POV (USSR). He is mature and has cut down minging. He obviously has good rule knowledge mainly because he is staff. I have seen Jimothy being a good CO in JAF and personally I have had 0 bad interactions with him.

I think that he deserves a shot at NHC!

Good luck,
Oct 17, 2021

I've watched you rise up the ranks all the way from private, you went above and beyond, surpassing many other members in JAF. And always do your best whenever needed. And I'm sure that you can help a lot more people out as NHC.

I know that there are many moments that label you as a "minge" but I can say for a fact, as your major for about 6 months, I can say for a fact that you absolutely have the capacity for NHC. I'm sure that the added responsibility will give you a little boost to sharpen up any rough habits you got in JAF because you know, we are JAF and a little tomfoolery sometimes occurs.

I do want to say, as my only complaint if you truly want NHC, you must start to have a lot more initiative. A little less back seating and a bit more coming up with the ideas first.

If you get NHC, it's going to hurt to lose you hombre. :salute:
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