Denied stock/inflation

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
adds a stock market with some base stocks like MRE company, hersthal, ussr hc or something, prices will also inflate or go down in the kitchen (like mre's go up of down how much there are)


Real stock market like irl where you can trade in stock of some companies (weapon /food companies) the prices at the food vendor will also inflate to the demand of the people in the server (mre prices go up)
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
MONEY alsooirl money how it works
money and some new thing to pump money in /gain money from + legal gambling as it is stock exchange
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

loose money...
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

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Jun 6, 2021
I don't understand any sort of Benefit that this would bring to players. If you're concerned about the quantity of MRE's, 1. get good, 2. I'm sure staff can just put some more MRE's in. I don't even know why there's a stock limit on them, seems a bit silly.

Anyway for that -Support unless you change my mind or Paypal me £20
I don't understand any sort of Benefit that this would bring to players. If you're concerned about the quantity of MRE's, 1. get good, 2. I'm sure staff can just put some more MRE's in. I don't even know why there's a stock limit on them, seems a bit silly.

Anyway for that -Support unless you change my mind or Paypal me £20
buddy....i am the one that buys every mre each day. isn't for stocks like amout of limit buut stocks like stock exchange market
buddy....i am the one that buys every mre each day. isn't for stocks like amout of limit buut stocks like stock exchange market
so u thought that by buying all the MREs you could sell them at a higher price and because that didnt worked u want them to forcefully change the MRE stock price? cuz thats what im understanding from this
so u thought that by buying all the MREs you could sell them at a higher price and because that didnt worked u want them to forcefully change the MRE stock price? cuz thats what im understanding from this
nope highworks brought this idea to me just for money and more fun as i said i was buying mre's as i didn't really had a need for money.
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