Ganilha's Moderator Application

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Apr 21, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): diogoganilha

How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 6d 12h 37 mins

Age: 19

In what country are you located?: Portugal

Time zone: GMT

NATO name (regiment and rank): Ganilha 17TH 1SGT

USSR name (regiment and rank): cheirasmal/ AG CPL

Civilian name: the 3 Revis

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80404459

Do you have a mic?: yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: this is the first time I do an application on civilgamers


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: as far as I know I haven't been ever kicked/banned on the server but I had 3 warnings: 1st-spawn camp, 2st-shooting a Militia without the warning him to leave the base, 3st-hiring a PC to kill a NATO member.


Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?: Yes I have experience being a moderator, game master, and admin in several ww2 PVP servers. The rules were pretty straightforward on these servers since there were more for PVP but they had some RP on them, and the events were a mix of large scale and small like doing both teams to fight for a high ranking pilot who just crashed in the middle of the field or doing a large event like dday it really depended on the number of players we had.


Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: Yes I do I used to play on Star Wars and Fallout servers which both require some serious RP especially on the star wars because there are jobs that require a lot of RP like an engineer (who did maintenance to the ships and vehicles by using /me and /roll) and the officer from the bridge ( who had to put the coordinates for the hyperspace and more) this are just some examples of what I did for series roleplay.


How many hours can you be on everyday?: It depends but 2 to 4 hours a day sometimes I can be less active this is because of exams and personal life.


Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?: I am loving the server so far and I would love to help and support the server not only that and help the community to improve and grow I would like to improve my behavior and be more professional by having a role as a staff member not even that I would be more motivated to do lot better on the server since the people are putting their trust and give me a chance as a staff member

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I think I would be a great asset to the staff team this is due to the previous staff experience that I had on the ww2 servers. I know I can be immature sometimes times but when the time calls for it I can mature and be reasonable and have an open mind while solving situations trying to hear both sides stories and try to resolve the situation as peacefully as possible so both sides can be satisfied. As people have already mentioned I am friendly and I like to help and teach new players to explain and know the server so they don't get lost.
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Feb 21, 2022
+ Support

+ Active, Friendly and Mature
+ Experience as staff
+ Application is fairly detailed

= Unsure on Rule Knowledge

Hi Ganilha. After reading your application, I decided to go with +Support. All the interactions we had in-game were positive. I wish you the best of luck with your application!

+ Portuguese

+Experience as staff
+Fairly Decent application

=Unsure on maturity
=Unsure on Rule knowledge
=Not had enough interactions to make it a +support

Hello, I will be going with neutral. since our interactions were little if not barren. I am happy to move it up to +support with more interactions with yourself.

Best of luck!



MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021

+Not many Interactions
+Unsure of Role Knowledge

Hey Ganilha, I am going with neutral today due to my lack of interactions with you. Good Luck!

+ Few interactions as one of my regiment's members, Good attitude and friendly
+ Active, seen most days if not all.
+ Previoud experience as a staff member

= No rule based discussions had, unsure of rule knowledge (Come chat to me and i'll update this)
+ Conversation had and fair rule knowledge shown, however a few finer details were uncertain.

- One warn very recent and other two less than 2 weeks old

Hello Gani, I'm going to leave this as a neutral mainly due to your recent warnings. I'd be happy to reassess my verdict after a conversation as from our conversations im sure you'd make the effort to be a brilliant staff!

For now I wish you the best of luck!
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Well-known Member
Mar 15, 2022

Very supportive
Decent Application
experience as a staff member

Good luck my man


MRP War Veteran
Dec 13, 2021

I haven't had any interactions with you, but good luck on your application man.
Neutral (Changed from-Support)


=Maturity is questionable
=Unsure on rule knowledge

-3 Recent Warnings (one from just 2 days ago)

Hi Ganilha, I have had quite a few interactions with you and while I do think you are active and friendly, I do question your maturity based on the 3 recent warnings and your rule knowledge. As well as this, your application is decent but plain on reasoning especially on the last question. You mention a key reason is it would motivate you to do better on the server and stay for longer, a reason which I'm not sure as to how it would make you special over other applicants or a thing you would be able to help with on the server. Due to all of these things I have said, I will be giving you a -Support. Best of luck on your application!

Reason for updated verdict: Ganilha you have shown you are capable of taking in criticism and have attempted to work on my key point after a conversation on teamspeak, but I still cannot give you a
+Support due to your questionable maturity and recent warnings. I will however be updating my verdict from a -Support to a =Neutral
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Neutral (Changed from-Support)


=Maturity is questionable
=Unsure on rule knowledge

-3 Recent Warnings (one from just 2 days ago)

Hi Ganilha, I have had quite a few interactions with you and while I do think you are active and friendly, I do question your maturity based on the 3 recent warnings and your rule knowledge. As well as this, your application is decent but plain on reasoning especially on the last question. You mention a key reason is it would motivate you to do better on the server and stay for longer, a reason which I'm not sure as to how it would make you special over other applicants or a thing you would be able to help with on the server. Due to all of these things I have said, I will be giving you a -Support. Best of luck on your application!

Reason for updated verdict: Ganilha you have shown you are capable of taking in criticism and have attempted to work on my key point after a conversation on teamspeak, but I still cannot give you a
+Support due to your questionable maturity and recent warnings. I will however be updating my verdict from a -Support to a =Neutral
Have updated my verdict following some discussion on teamspeak.
Support (updated from Neutral)

+previous staff experience
+decent rule knowledge

=decent maturity
=decent application

-Few recent warnings

Hi there Ganilha, I am going to be going for a neutral verdict after reading your application, this is because of the reasons stated above but also because I have had no interactions with you to form a proper verdict. However, I am happy for you to poke me on teamspeak so we can talk and then I could maybe update my verdict.

Updated: After a discussion with you on teamspeak, you have shown that you have some decent rule knowledge which has improved because you have taken the time to read the rules after you received your recent warnings, and as well as this, you have proven to be somewhat mature and friendly in our conversation which is good and you have explained what you did wrong for each for your warnings which shows that you are able to learn from your mistake and you also explained what you would do in the future to prevent it happening again which further shows that you have taken the effort to familiarise yourself with the rules. Because of this, I have decided to change my Neutral, to a Support for the reason stated here.

Best of luck,
- luaes
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Support (updated from Neutral)

+previous staff experience
+decent rule knowledge

=decent maturity
=decent application

-Few recent warnings

Hi there Ganilha, I am going to be going for a neutral verdict after reading your application, this is because of the reasons stated above but also because I have had no interactions with you to form a proper verdict. However, I am happy for you to poke me on teamspeak so we can talk and then I could maybe update my verdict.

Updated: After a discussion with you on teamspeak, you have shown that you have some decent rule knowledge which has improved because you have taken the time to read the rules after you received your recent warnings, and as well as this, you have proven to be somewhat mature and friendly in our conversation which is good and you have explained what you did wrong for each for your warnings which shows that you are able to learn from your mistake and you also explained what you would do in the future to prevent it happening again which further shows that you have taken the effort to familiarise yourself with the rules. Because of this, I have decided to change my Neutral, to a Support for the reason stated here.

Best of luck,
- luaes

Updated verdict after a discussion on teamspeak.
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