Recent content by “Striker”

  1. “Striker”

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - "Striker" / "Panther"

    What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA) Your in-game name: "Striker" / "Panther" Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:170409508 Ban Reason: Cheating Date of ban: 5-13-24 Who banned you: Genocide - (Authorized by higher personnel) Ban length: Permanently What will you do to stop this from...
  2. “Striker”

    Denied Remove Site Command and ISD

    +support o-1 and a-1 power trip so much dude
  3. “Striker”

    [USA] "Pawz" Medical Consultant Application

    heals me every once in a while, so yeah why not
  4. “Striker”

    [USA] Dusk's Facility Advisor Application

    + support idk why this guy got mad at me for +supporting his app :cry:
  5. “Striker”

    Accepted Fix Flashbangs

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: - Allows switching to another weapon with a Flashbang out. [ Video Example of Flashbang Issue ] Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: - No other suggestions bring this up as far as I am concerned...
  6. “Striker”

    [USA] Puggo's Site Advisor Application

    +support so... ecc again?
  7. “Striker”

    Daniel R. Kight's Request for Elevation [USA]

    + SUPPORT Great Director Shows Initative Great RP'er Get him his promo
  8. “Striker”

    [SCPRP-USA] Enochs TMOD

    -support no. I am a professor with a college degree at UCLA and this guy made an inferior application and he is very inprofessional in-game! this guy shouldn't achieve this position.
  9. “Striker”

    [USA] SCP-22415-1/2/3 Application

    +Support not enough experience
  10. “Striker”

    "FullMoon"s 7th Site Advisor Application [USA]

    -/+ support Ermmmm buddy fix ur lore it says Site-56 ?