Recent content by Billy "Villager" Bob

  1. Billy "Villager" Bob

    Denied ABT Gun change

    You have to contact your RC to change the gun. Its not suggestion based. Also the stats will be changed to be 1:1 with JAFs guns
  2. Billy "Villager" Bob

    Dominic goodbye Civil gamers

    Skrill issue. You might be missed :)
  3. Billy "Villager" Bob

    MilitaryRP - GM Application - 'James'

    Big + Support Get this man in here or I quit frfr
  4. Billy "Villager" Bob

    Billy 'Bomber' Bob's NHC Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:516672269 Discord name: Omegagamer_10 For how long have you played on MRP: 1-1.5 years Age: 17 In what country are you located?: Netherlands Time zone: CEST/GMT+1 NATO name (regiment and rank): ISAF CPT Billy 'Bomber' Bob USSR name (regiment and rank): KGB PSC Billy...
  5. Billy "Villager" Bob

    MilitaryRP - GM Application - AJ

    +support Good rper Good player in general Fun to play with
  6. Billy "Villager" Bob

    Captain app Svino Ricky [USA]

    + support Big W mans Gib him the role He is good at leading
  7. Billy "Villager" Bob

    Denied Heli suggestion

    Fair enough
  8. Billy "Villager" Bob

    Denied MRP Weapon Suggestion

    - support Just buy a perma if you wanna use specific weapons :/
  9. Billy "Villager" Bob

    Denied Heli suggestion

    +support Fun to do and actually a good way of trying to rescue raid your stolen vehicles
  10. Billy "Villager" Bob

    Accepted Add heavier artillery as a feature for infantry regiments. (ISAF/40TH MR)

    +support I mean most shit is ranklocked anyway and this requires teamwork so its not like HIMARS that they can just pull out, fire, pull back in 3 seconds Drones are also easy to evade. You can just run around or into a building and they wont be able to follow you with the drone.
  11. Billy "Villager" Bob

    Denied Reload for helis during war [depending on vwar]]

    Do you mean like that it takes longer (depending on the amount of players) to reload heli ammunition?
  12. Billy "Villager" Bob

    Accepted ADD Defibrillator to the medic jobs

    + support Another way to kidnap someone after they cyanide :D Also fun if you can revive your comrades if they die during a mission or something
  13. Billy "Villager" Bob

    Denied Reload for helis during war [depending on vwar]]

    - support I myself dont like the way combat is currently when a heli is in the sky but it is just a matter of the regiment not having active members. As Aleem has already said they could just lower stock amounts or another was is to buff stingers a bit more. Most likely this wont happen just...
  14. Billy "Villager" Bob

    Accepted GSD stun stick change

    There can just be a second one made special for 912 that does damage still