Recent content by Charles "Ze" Whitmee

  1. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Accepted ISD Keycard Addition

    Why do YOU need it? They've explained why they want/need it in this post, lets hear you say your side. If I see someone purposefully hiding their ID like this I will ID check them, hell it's more of a reason to do so
  2. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Charles Whitmee, Ethics Assistant? [UK]

    It has been provided to the Committee upon request.
  3. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Charles Whitmee, Ethics Assistant? [UK]

    Betrayed by my favourite Assistant...
  4. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Charles Whitmee, Ethics Assistant? [UK]

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80289147 Discord Name: theadmiralze For how long have you played on CG SCP: Nearly 2 years I reckon Age: 22 Time Zone: BST Character Name(s): Charles "Ze" Whitmee - Foundation Z."Freud" - Chaos Insurgency Fred 'Liquidator' - Global Occult Coalition Civilian name...
  5. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Partially Accepted Filing Cabinet Access Rework

    To list some examples: >Work program documents in a CL3 drawer, accessible to Officers and Sergeants to use >Medical Forms, such as prescriptions etc that can be signed off on To summarise some, general RP documents that the average player will have saved to their clipboard but may wish to use...
  6. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Denied Adding a rule to SCP 096's breach

    Are you familiar with how 096 works? It's not an SCP that be be negotiated with nor can you hide from it. You are dead as soon as you've seen it's face. If you're already dead you try and minimise further casualties. The SCP Foundation knows how to contain SCP-096, making is so they can't...
  7. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    take care stinkers.

    You may have been eepy, but you were a damn good O5. And I should finally say this, during your promo event I did say the wrong name by mistake. oop
  8. Charles "Ze" Whitmee


    This fuckin place. Take care, thank you again for recovering my letters.
  9. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Guess I'm playing again

    Did I actually leave? I don't know man.
  10. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    The Spanish Miracle. Aragon, Navara, Portugal, Naples, Austria, Hungary and Bohemia never saw...

    The Spanish Miracle. Aragon, Navara, Portugal, Naples, Austria, Hungary and Bohemia never saw it coming.
  11. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    The Metagaming needs to be toned down. This is supposed to be a RP server.

    Redacting jobs on the tab menu would be nice ngl, all the information on there is Meta if you use it IC anyway.