Search results

  1. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    [UK] 'Gamemaker' Director of Research Application.

    +Support God bless, one of the best Researchers I've worked with. Would be a credit to the department.
  2. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    What do you see more, Roleplay or Ruleplay?

    I see too much Ruleplay these days.
  3. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Accepted EZ Camera System

    Some new cameras in EZ would be nice. Currently a giant CCTV blindspot for no good reason.
  4. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Lukas 'Snuu' Thybo's UK Inspector Application

    Was literally warned 3 days ago. Doesn't mention it.
  5. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Accepted D Block Quest giver changes [After 914 change]

    -Support Go rob Site Command 🧌
  6. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Partially Accepted Remove SCP-500 Pills from D-Class & MC&D

    Honestly, imagine if it only refilled once a week/month or when staff did it
  7. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Denied Persistent Popular Keypads

    Me when I read the suggestion
  8. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Partially Accepted Drone Nerf

    Nah. DEA get one up on CI for a change and a Suggestion to nerf it appears. No free raid for CI! -Support
  9. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Denied Make Warns & Bans visible again.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestions seeks to make Warns and Bans on CN visible again. I'm unsure when, but I have been told NL made Warns and Bans silent on CN servers, I wish to revert this to allow the playerbase to be aware of who has been warned/banned. I wish for...
  10. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    [UK] Harvey Bridgers Attempt for Reassignment to ECM

    -Support From my experiences with you I do not believe you'd make a suitable member of Site Command.
  11. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Which Regiment is more Auraful? O-1 or A-1 [UK]

    Not at all relevant however funny.
  12. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    [UK] Calvin Lucien's Internal Security Inspector Application (3)

    Calvin, I've seen you for a long time. Hell I denied many of your IA Ambassador applications a year ago. You've had your incidents before, hell you were once removed from Ambassador when you did get it, however I do feel as if you've grown since then. I'd say giving another shot in ISD is worth...
  13. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Discord suggestion: Add "Event Ping" role

    It's a ping. Not the end of the world.
  14. Charles "Ze" Whitmee

    Cuddles 22415 App UK

    -Soup (No soup for Niox)