is there any update there has been 3 days without a comment where as normally there is a comment a day I hope is well and if I am being impatient please just leave me a thumbs up or something so I know
Because my ban is permeant and it being issued for so long I had decided to use 2 ult accounts to attempt to play the server again there is no excuse for it
What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK)
Your in-game name: Chris tomato
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:548300865
Ban Reason: MRDM/ Insiting Hysteria
Date of ban: 6/11/23
Who banned you: melon
Ban length: Perma ban
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Since the...
+ support he is very professional with the way he conducts tests im unable to comment on the outcome documents but hes professional within everyway that other members see
- support
after applying for DoR and looking at how he responded to the comments it shows he cant be professional
he also appears to be very mingy in the way he speaks to fellow players and other members of the community
it might have been delt with in character but considering i have seen tribunals happen for alot less and people get fired from jobs for out of character actions in a different discord server does make it seem a bit dodgy how you got ''away'' with it the consequeneses of this having not been...
like i said in my reply to giving you DoR would be highly irresposible considering your lack of care with high clearance level documentation allowing you access to more high level documentation would prove to be a security risk and considering you are supposed to be a role modle
whats to say...
- support has been know in the past to be very un responsible with high clearance level documents to the point engineers have been able to get their hands on 008 docs he left lying on the floor or a sofa
What will you do to stop this from happening again:
The server to me is not my interest as I have been banned however, as said before I would like to let my brother play on the server. this means that if he was to do the same thing again I have HEAVLY warned that he does not repeat what I did...
yo i havent been on your server in ages i dont care to join i have more important things going on in my life to have time to play but my brother got a pc game shared him all my games and he cant play the server because its flagged as an ult of mine or something i barely use my pc now adays but...
they have control over lcz and sc and will set up checkpoints there and then they do escorts and all the other reasons that all nu-7 are not in the garage waiting for ci to raid with btw also unable to stop since they just use god druggs and run at 100mph past them while being imortal
E-11 is active the problem here is that no matter how active e-11 is when ci get into hcz its impossable for us to be able to fight them and stop them from breaching anything
researcher can test and not be interupted all non combative personal wont have to go and hide in a bunker for 40 minutes to an hour while there is a breach happening you dont think about what gets stopped when ci mass breach shit its not just e-11 go and fight it when its mass breached the whole...
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