SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - toastebarksalot

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What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: toastebarksalot

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:634694900

Discord Username: toastey

Age: 25

What's your current playtime: Roughly 625 hours to date

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: F: Kylmä 'Toaste' Puronkukka
F: Toaste 'Pup' W.
CI: Kylmä 'Koira' P.K.
GOC: 'Anathema'

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my second application - the title for this one is referencing when the forums changed domain and the old one was lost.

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: 2x expired RDM from when I was new to both GMod and the server (~50 hours on steam), 1x old FailRP/NITRP ban for some unfortunate late night shenanigans involving 008 that I self-reported, 1x expired FailRP warning, 1x expired FearRP warning

How many hours can you be on everyday: 3-6 hours; variable

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: I have been a staff member in communities in the past but I bear no experience as staff for GMod. I've been staff on things such as FiveM and a few others.

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: I'm rather proud of the projects that I've contributed to as an Exec. Reseacher, which I make and hold to a high standard. Project Rebirth, Project 'Green Reality', and one 50-page project currently in the works are all things that I'm proud of, that I especially always enjoyed seeking out others to include in. All were very roleplay-intensive and I believe I employed a great deal of creativity in each project. I'm very happy with my research, and there's lots more to come, with 4-5 additional projects currently in the works.

Why would you like to become a staff member: As stated in my first application, albeit in more words, I'm a very big fan of the community and how the server operates. I think that CN as a whole has positively impacted me and I find enjoyment in spending my time on CN servers. I play daily and contribute to roleplay often, and I enjoy what the staff curate and the experience that is given, and I hope to continue to provide that experience for both new and old players. Each day brings something new, and all interactions I've had with staff have never been from a negative standpoint. I wish to contribute to fostering that kind of environment; I believe I have good knowledge of the rules and what is acceptable versus what is not, and hope that I am able to effectively uphold them if given the opportunity.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: At times I've noticed certain flaws in communication between members of SL; whether it be miscommunication or the lack thereof. I'm not currently a member of the staff team so I find this to be a relatively strange question to ask, but as a player currently I believe there are very few issues and the ones that are present are very minor, and I believe the only method for improving this issue is simply encouraging and establishing easier communication nets, if they do not currently exist.
Jul 22, 2023

-I have seen You around Alot And you are always professinal

-You are Highly Active within the server

-All my interactions with You are very Good


- You have shot me About 2 times For calling Your Pac Short
Sep 6, 2022
-Incredibly petty

-If people don't agree with him he accuses them of only doing so because he's a furry (Do not care that he is, i gotta say this because i guarantee its spun into me hating furries )
-Got clip of cuffing d-class though doors while on Exec job
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After many recent experiences and interactions I do believe you are a very good member of the executive research personnel as well as a very good character in general, however I do believe you make some mistakes. which is not all bad however it's the way that you respond to those mistakes which caused me to believe that you are not ready for the staff application. Furthermore I do believe that you do not have enough experience and the tolerance needed. Tolerance being that you have to follow the rules of regulations and not just for personal opinions.

I think it's a very well written application however I just don't believe that you are ready.

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Aug 20, 2022
- support
after applying for DoR and looking at how he responded to the comments it shows he cant be professional
he also appears to be very mingy in the way he speaks to fellow players and other members of the community
- Support

power trips too much, he ordered my aos because i asked what he thought of the ethics committee once
Out of context and untrue. You're upset that I reported you to O5-1 with some genuine concern. I'm sorry you feel this way.

Incredibly petty

If people don't agree with him he accuses them of only doing so because he's a furry
There's much more to a person that just being a furry. I'm not sure who you are and I don't wish to seek that information out, but being a furry is just a hobby of mine and I honestly don't really care what people think of that. I put myself in hot waters by having it be my profile pictures and especially by having a pin on my pac3. I do appreciate genuine criticism or feedback on my character, or at the very least personal feelings, but I don't think this is that. If you're the person I had warned for toxicity due you saying hateful things about furries, then it's rather self-explanatory.

-Support pfp says it all.

Case and point.

After many recent experiences and interactions I do believe you are a very good member of the executive research personnel as well as a very good character in general, however I do believe you make some mistakes. which is not all bad however it's the way that you respond to those mistakes which caused me to believe that you are not ready for the staff application. Furthermore I do believe that you do not have enough experience and the tolerance needed. Tolerance being that you have to follow the rules of regulations and not just for personal opinions.

I think it's a very well written application however I just don't believe that you are ready.


Genuine criticism, thank you. We're all human and we do all make mistakes; I do believe I like to apply the same rules to everyone and I despise both nepotism and special treatment. I appreciate your input. You're a good exec so I'll try and see what I might mismanage about my responses to my own mistakes.
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the people attacking you because you have a furry pfp are just lol, lmao, they have no other criticism of you other than they are probably unpleasant and don't like furry stuff

i have a question before i leave a + or - though - you were recently discharged from CI for failraiding (Screenshot attached). Why do you think you would be fit for staff after breaking a rule like this?

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Richard Patternson

Active member
Apr 6, 2024
Neutral support, Jesse summed it up fairly well, my main concern is you act a tad silly at times, and if you were staff you would not only have power of warns and bans but also the ability to spawn items probably. Please take this as genuine criticism and take it onboard. If I saw your silliness disappear I would 100% + support you getting it.

Generally easy to talk too
Decent understanding of rules
Can be silly
Can minge

Richard Patternson, DOR
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