Recent content by Insurgent oreo

  1. Insurgent oreo

    [UK] James Ashford DoR Application

    - Support From what i've heard about you it's just no
  2. Insurgent oreo

    [UK] Alex Honda ECA Application

    + Support he's a cook
  3. Insurgent oreo


    Remember the silk card it will grant you access past the blastdoors [apartment 3, 302 door]
  4. Insurgent oreo

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - 'The Insurgent'

    What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK) Your in-game name: 'The Insurgent' Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:598916383 Ban Reason: Griefing Documents / locking GOC docs Date of ban: 19/04/2024 Who banned you: Auburn Ban length: 4 weeks What will you do to stop this from happening...
  5. Insurgent oreo

    [UK] Bolt's GM Appeal

    + Support he's a cook thats for sure
  6. Insurgent oreo

    [UK] O5-1 "The Sycophant" Application

    + Support you're a cook
  7. Insurgent oreo

    Znam kade ziveesh

    Znam kade ziveesh
  8. Insurgent oreo

    Oreo's Demotion appeal [3]

    Thanks for the support lads <3
  9. Insurgent oreo

    Oreo's Demotion appeal [3]

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:598916383 Previous Rank (convert if required): SrMod Who demoted you?: Rushi / Sven Date of demotion?: I do not recall sadly What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-UK What is the case against you?: a lot of infractions and poor behavior as...
  10. Insurgent oreo

    Thank you for everything

    o7 man
  11. Insurgent oreo

    Goodbye Civil networks

    we had our arguments but youll be remembered with good pen best of luck
  12. Insurgent oreo

    Oreo's SCP-22415 app

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:598916383 Discord name: silkrqx For how long have you played on CN SCP: Age: 17 In what country are you located?: Bulgaria Time zone: GMT+2 Character name(s): Insurgent 'Oreo' Silk [F] , 'The Insurgent' Silk [GOC] Civilian name: Jimy Michal Silk What server are you applying...
  13. Insurgent oreo

    They got my ass

    alright bud no matadors for you on d-class i know what you did in those DMs