Recent content by Merrick Travolta

  1. Merrick Travolta

    'Cuddles' 22415 USA application

    Hello! @RoxieCat2003 You should be able to obtain a whitelist ingame by contacting a member of SL (Admin+) In-game and pointing them to your UK application (For ease it's this one here) I'll be locking this one as it shouldn't be required, Make a ticket on the discord if you appear to be...
  2. Merrick Travolta

    Sly's A-1 PAC Request

    PAC/Lore Approved Hello @Sly , Your PAC3 Request has been approved. Do note this can only be utilised for SETA operations and events and not standard A1 duties. Any changes to your Character Bio/PAC3 will have to go through the process of being accepted again. Kind regards, Merrick
  3. Merrick Travolta

    [UK] Rose Overseer Assistant Application

    The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ . Hello, @RoseExervion Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request...
  4. Merrick Travolta

    PAC Request [USA] Sr Doctor Snakey

    Request Denied Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC request. We have decided to deny your request due to the following reasons: We don't believe the current lore for as to why this change happened is sufficient, We recommend a more thorough and indepth explanation to why he was inside or...
  5. Merrick Travolta

    Damned/Damian's leaving

    The eternal headmod salutes you lil bro o7
  6. Merrick Travolta

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Jackson Phillips

    Hello @lolitshunter I initally pulled you after invesitgating what caused the infoleak within D-block. i was provided clips of you disguised dropping a 008 document (I had not known at the time you had created the document), You when pulled initally claimed it wasn't you but someone nearby and...
  7. Merrick Travolta

    PAC Request [UK] Roll up, Roll up!

    Request Denied Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC request. We have decided to deny your request due to the following reasons: We don't believe this fits the theme of the server and plays too much into a jokey aspect of the server. Your request will now be locked and marked as denied.
  8. Merrick Travolta

    [UK] SynergyJohn's Overseer Assistant Application 25/02

    The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ . Hello @SynergyJohn Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is...
  9. Merrick Travolta

    Denied Adding a rule to SCP 096's breach

    While I could agree to this. I must note that refunding 096 breaches is next to impossible for any staff memeber below senior admin as we cannot spawn 096 images and the case of a staff member just viewing 096 and going to their office creates an inbalanced breach as to what was offered before.
  10. Merrick Travolta

    Denied Adding a rule to SCP 096's breach

    Let me begin with saying I am not supporting this. Big ol -Support. Logistically I don't see how staff could handle this. We have no way to know if a player is a target untill 096 gets them. So do we warn people who beeline to 096's chamber? That would just cause people to stop calling it out...
  11. Merrick Travolta

    Sebastian's Overseer Assistant Application [UK]

    The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ . Hello @Sebastian Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to...
  12. Merrick Travolta

    Denied Zombie Variety

    Then this would be an expansion onto that in a bit more of a fleshed out way, as I didn't even realise there were variants. I just knew 008 had a bit of a beefier HP pool
  13. Merrick Travolta

    Denied Zombie Variety

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Adds vareities to the types of zombies (Namely 008 and 049. However I don't see why 427 couldn't be included) such as - Jugg (Beefed up health maybe some armor. Slower) - Feral (More move speed, less health) - Demo (can break doors quicker, has a...
  14. Merrick Travolta

    West's OSA Application [UK]

    The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ . Hello @WestIshere Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to...
  15. Merrick Travolta


    Fuck you I don't have meds (I forgor and lost them :skull:) o7 to a real one