As someone who hangs around in medbay for various reasons I have 1st hand seen nick doing a good job, in my opinion medical has a few kinds of people, the combat ones who just play CM and assist with codes, the newer ones who don’t know what they should be doing and then finally the ones who are...
+support for Athena too for some of the following reasons
You were ecm/ecc at my time of ambassador and then O5 when I was DoIA during this time you made and involved myself along with others I worked with in RP and also had a true passion for trying to help us make our own, it’s this need to...
My good friend Tim. You guided me when i got DoIA and showed me the ropes before going to SA all that time ago, I'm happy and greatfull for the help you gave me when I was your ambassador and then as a fellow DoIA. You have done some great things as SA/SM and I'd be happy to work under you once...
Hiya Mase, not sure if you remember me from long ago but its good to see you back on CN. Today I'm going to leave a +/- Neutral support and ill explain why underneath.
Although you are a good lad and nice to interact with having only returned recently i dont feel it would be right to leave a...
Heya, on my phone at the moment so i'll expand later but as of right now im not long off my LOA so there was no RP involvement from myself during this although i still was active in discord with the jr ECA's when they needed help.
Since coming back with the upcoming IA/ISD update i held...
1. Pick any department/reg
2. Start brown nosing whoever can promote you
3. Make a bog standard app so it at least can’t be denied for that, wait for your now friend to accept you CL4 application.
I think that’s it? Could shorten it if I wasn’t on my phone in bed right now
Hiya, Today im going to leave you a Neutral support leaing on the +support side for some of the folloing reasons
+ you were a good OSA from what i remember
+ You had good activity
+ Always pleasant to interact with and a good guy to chat with
+ Good app with a nice amount of detail
- I never...
Hiya thanks for the +support, to comment on what you’ve said I was on an extended loa due to my busniss having some staff issues so I had to hold a more hands on approach for a while, these issues are now resolved and I am/will be back to a normal schedule
Calvin, after spending mass amounts of time with you both as Ambassadors and then as your director (and when i see you on LT but well not talk about those times) i will say me and judge removed you from ambassador before and we had our reasons which at the time were relevant. I do however think...
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
Ethics Committee Member
-As you may later read below almost my entire time within CN has evolved around IA and then furthermore into the EC as an assistant and seeing this i believe and know the next logical step is to get ECM, maybe...
You have dealt with many of my annoyance’s within the server and I’m grateful of your help and guidance through my own progression too. Been an absolute pleasure to serve you.
Sorry for bad formatting I’m on a shitty phone.
After numerous encounters with pasta across his roles and ranks I’d have faith that he could make sa proud complete the weekly tasks and with some guidance create some intresting opportunities across the site.
With such a history between us I would love to see you as my mortal enemy. Sorry I mean OSA. Jokes aside you were a great person around all your ranks and I feel you could uphold the standards of which are expected of assistants. All the best and good luck
The man who has taught me and guided me through every stage of my civil Networks time.
Amazing guidance and leadership qualities made some of the most fire ECA orders and has engaged the whole site in operations and projects
A +support doesn’t show how ready this man is for the position
hiya everyone thanks for the feedback so far. I’m not currently home but will be considering everything stated so far and trying to amend the issues that have been made apparent. Before then if anyone has questions my discord is open and I’ll reply as soon as I can. All the best and thanks for...
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