Hi many of you may not know me nor care. This community was the best community i ever joined but recently the summer ended and everyone is going back to their old schedule. This was one of the most unique summers as everyday i had something fun to do. A lot of people are starting to leave and i...
Short App
Never seen you (Maybe my fault)
His story about the 7722 Passive breach and being tp'ed out doesnt add up considering you have an minor glitching warn?
(The time photo maybe edited since its cropped on the smallest part).
Getting into IA is not that big of an achivement...
from one point of view yes but also it makes the action of putting the bucket on the 079 actually realistic than just dropping it perfectly on his head (y). Considering it is over 2.35 meters tall
Add Maria Jones so corbin can be happy
+ Support
Oh damn to use AI while making a suggestion thats a new low point even tho the idea is good using ai lowers it very much +/-Support
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds the same bar the techies have when fixing something, Onto when someone is using the bucket sweep on SCP-096.
Change the bar timer so it takes only 2,5 seconds to end
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion...
I feel like D-Class TB Max health can stay 500 but the CI TB Max health 350 as you said. my reasoning is that the CI TB usally works in groups while the 99% when D-Class TB escapes, he has to fight alone as mostly the d class that may came with him die. Hope if you see my point you could change...
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