Denied Reduce Type-Blue HP or Armor

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jan 6, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Reduce the HP of Type Blue to 350 instead of 500.
Remove Type Blue's armor completely.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Couldn't tell you. I haven't checked.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  1. Less of a pain for everyone to deal with Type Blue's during big raids
  2. Quicker raids so that everyone can go back to RPing

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  1. CI mass downvoting this because "hurr durr CI nerf"
  2. Type-Blue would have to be played by a competent player to achieve much
  3. Less reliability for only the Type-Blue to be holding choke points

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I'm fairly certain that everyone is sick of Type-Blue being able to kill people instantly without seemingly any sort of cooldown, but that's besides the point. Type-Blue's are already a force to fight against and can easily prolong raids or even breaches by 30 minutes. Something that none of us want, given we're playing on an RP server, not a warfare one.

Type-Blue's often enough use their inversion to stand in the middle of a doorway and gun to anyone that comes into view. Not only can they shoot while that is active, they also get HP depending on how many times they've been shot while the power is active. Easily bringing them back up to 500HP should one not know what inversion does.

They should not have more health than a Juggernaut to begin with. They're lightly armored compared to a Jugg, can sprint and use body swap in an instant. They should be fightable by a handful of people, not by a full squadron of 10, heavily armed dudes, throwing their whole arsenal against one guy.
Last edited:
Apr 13, 2024
I feel like D-Class TB Max health can stay 500 but the CI TB Max health 350 as you said. my reasoning is that the CI TB usally works in groups while the 99% when D-Class TB escapes, he has to fight alone as mostly the d class that may came with him die. Hope if you see my point you could change it currently i will be leaving +/- Support
I don't think you can cockblock armour from something (im not a dev but its just a guess since SCP's can get armour), and TB doesn't have 500HP.

If you're referring to his Inversion, then his current HP is 250, and this would reduce it down to 175.
-Armour change would be fire
-I feel like a health change to 200 rather than 175 would do the trick better.
Have you ever considered placing down one or two scrantons?


You also mention TBs using inversion in a door way and i would like to mention two things
A.) Scranton Reality Anchor
B.) Inversion chews up energy, by the time everyone is dead they have no energy, and it stays at low energy for half the raid

1000 CI on their way to -support bc it nerfs the job that can spawn any gun and one shot people
Jan 6, 2023
Holy cope
-support TB is balanced and they usually dont deal alot of damage unless a smart player is on the job. what should be nerfed if its really needed is inversion
While I agree with the inversion nerf, I still think there should be a compromise between TB's armor and health

it should have either no armor and keep its health

or reduced health, but keep the armor- Shouldn't be both
While I agree with the inversion nerf, I still think there should be a compromise between TB's armor and health

it should have either no armor and keep its health

or reduced health, but keep the armor- Shouldn't be both
I personally think nerfing the TB a second time would be the fatal strike to it's capabilities, purpose and advantage over regular humans. As the lore depicts it, "TYPE BLUE" humanoids are far stronger than regular humanoids; and nerfing them down to a slightly buffed up human without the ability to gain armor like regular humans would kill the advantage and turn it into a 350hp bend shoot reality bender.

If you'd really want a compatible nerf, my best suggestion is to nerf inversion hard to where it has a cooldown and isn't an insta-selection ability. Perhaps dynamic damage resistance should also apply in this case? So that the damage siphoned through inversion isn't real-time and has a slight decrease upwards of 10 - 12%? I feel like that'd be better than just nerfing it's jobset HP.
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