Recent content by Roosters

  1. Roosters

    It will not allow me to join SCP RP

    the last ss worked for me, just leave is frozen for a bit, took 15-20 minutes, worked, hope this helps
  2. Roosters

    It will not allow me to join SCP RP

    For those who read this in the future, try everything but know that this has worked for me after I had tried all of it
  3. Roosters

    It will not allow me to join SCP RP

    Yeah alot of people have just waited it out, saw a forum on monolith RP about the same thing, usually in a week or too but it can also fix on a gmod update, if you tried everything and it works, good, but it should fix eventually.
  4. Roosters

    It will not allow me to join SCP RP

    apparently other people had to wait for a garys mod update or something for it to work again
  5. Roosters

    It will not allow me to join SCP RP

    this is the one now, I fixed the first one
  6. Roosters

    It will not allow me to join SCP RP

    Ill try to do the same thing with the fonts
  7. Roosters

    It will not allow me to join SCP RP

    SCP RP, I have tried adding digital 7 online but it does not work for fonts, it has never before had an issue with all the downloads till now
  8. Roosters

    It will not allow me to join SCP RP

    I have so far went a little into the forums I have spent 7 hours messing with the files and maps, downloading, uninstalling, restarting I do not know what to do, it either freezes on the map cite 65 or freezes on Digital 7. This is draining me, does anyone know what to do?
  9. Roosters

    Crash on Digital-7.tff

    yeah I have done everything I could to get past digital 7 and it just freezes the joining into the server and it just gets stuck on digital 7 ttf I have been pulling my hair out for 7 hours
  10. Roosters

    [USA] Coral Lycensoft's Ethics member Application

    Honestly you still need experience but give it a few weeks then yeah, tbh most people are simps so thats why you got high up so quick, you barley do as it is
  11. Roosters

    No one is Perfect but it's when you try to be Perfect when your not.

    No one is Perfect but it's when you try to be Perfect when your not.
  12. Roosters


  13. Roosters

    Ban Appeal for trying to change my name.

    I Understand that, I am sorry for that, right now I am going through something so I was very irritated by changing my name, I am sorry if you are hurt in anyway I give you my word though. In the end I was trying and that's not something you get often. I like the name but I was creating a new...
  14. Roosters

    Ban Appeal for trying to change my name.

    Game name: Tom Petty Your SteamID: Steam ID: 76561199447333977 Date of ban: 2-22-2023 Ban reason: NITRP Who banned you: "Mr. Fix it" (STEAM_0:0:33932575 Ban length: 1 day Server: SCP-RP USA Rules: I have been warned other times...