Ban Appeal for trying to change my name.

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Dec 28, 2022
Game name: Tom Petty
Your SteamID: Steam ID: 76561199447333977
Date of ban: 2-22-2023
Ban reason: NITRP
Who banned you: "Mr. Fix it" (STEAM_0:0:33932575
Ban length: 1 day
Server: SCP-RP USA

I have been warned other times though I am new to this server, I remember being warned for RDM a few days ago and today name changes or "NITRP"
Unban reason: Staff told me to change my name to I went to find a create a new name and I was trying to figure it out. I said: "It might take a while" because I have used the Name Tom Petty and I kept changing it so that it could be more suitable even with different pronunciation and spelling because that's what went right off of my head and most people know me as Tom Petty so I tried to find a good name I like for Three minutes and looked back on and I was banned not a second before I went back to Gmod.

I am not trying to break every rule, I was complying and trying to change it to the liking of the staff, no famous person not even a liking to their name but when I created the name Jack Rose or Jack Rosa they banned me before I could change it to an name I liked. I am sorry for the distress or disturbance but as most people know that is my name so I usually have it on other RP-Severs no problem, and I am sorry for the mistake I made by trying to have "Tom Petty" as I cannot be compared to a great rock star like him, I am and was willing to change but the three minutes it took was too long and I am sorry for the wait.

I want to continue to Role Play because for most people I try to make RP fun and go researching with Guards and D-Class to help them figure out the game or help them have fun because most people don't often enough. My time as been consistent to daily. I want to better the server and continue the fun everyone had, has, and having. I hope you all are having a good day and that if not or if so that it gets good and stays good.
Fair greetings Scripted,

I was the staff member to issue the ban. I had spoken to you on three separate occasions about your name in the last few hours. It did not go as you described as you had told me that you would both keep changing it back as you didn't care. I even warned you the second time if you did it again I would ban you for NITRP.

1.20 Naming Conventions - Names used when creating a character must be realistic and not contain any special characters, unnecessary letters, numbers, or resembling a famous celebrity or character. If you use a code name (e.g. John "Cloak" Smith), the following rules apply: Code names should be 1 word, and must be a real word, a portmanteau of two real words, or a place name, and must be something sensible.

"Resembling a famous celebrity or character."

This is the important line here. Misspelling it and or altering it is still resembling it. You had plenty of chances to change it. I will not touch on your attitude during all of this as to be blunt it was poor.

But all and all I wish you the best of luck.

With hopes and dreams

Dec 28, 2022
I Understand that, I am sorry for that, right now I am going through something so I was very irritated by changing my name, I am sorry if you are hurt in anyway I give you my word though. In the end I was trying and that's not something you get often. I like the name but I was creating a new one. I don't know why I was banned so short of notice because I told him that I was changing it though he thought other wise. I just want to get back to the RP and look further to working with you all though I would probably be working for you. My apologies. Have a wonderful Evening.
Appeal Denied

Hi @*Scripted*,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

Based on the logs, it appears that you kept trying to use some variation of the name Tom Petty which is a violation of our naming convention rule. You were also rude during the sits you were involved in which isn't appropriate conduct as noted by rule 1.8 Be Respectful To Others. Please take this time to look over our rules.

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