Recent content by Schizo

  1. Schizo

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - VR8

    What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK) Your Username: VR8 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:161281486 Discord Username: VR8 Age: 20 What's your current playtime: 300 hours Do you have a mic: yes Your characters name: schzio frank "fent" Is this the first application you...
  2. Schizo

    Harrison/schizo 3D dev app

    Hey i sent you fr on discord and i can send everything there i have been looking into crowbar while my app has been pending and feel i can learn it as the skill are all ready here
  3. Schizo

    Harrison/schizo 3D dev app

    i do have them my discord is vr8 if you wish to see them
  4. Schizo

    Harrison/schizo 3D dev app

    i have tried to upload SS but the website does not seem to work
  5. Schizo

    Harrison/schizo 3D dev app

    i can show SS of my work as well if needed
  6. Schizo

    Harrison/schizo 3D dev app

    you have a mic?: yes Is this your first application for Developer? If not, link previous ones: yes Have you received any bans?: yes How confident are you with Blender/Maya/3DSMax (or any other software that applies) (Rate yourself 1-10 using one rating guide): 6 Do you have previous...
  7. Schizo

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Harrison

    What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK) Your in-game name: Harrison Your SteamID: 76561198282828700 Ban Reason: innapropiate conduct Date of ban: JUL 7 Who banned you: ellie Ban length: 3 months What will you do to stop this from happening again: just keep to my self Why should you...
  8. Schizo

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - 'Detainee'

    + support does homeless hand outs of food and i once saw him give a home away to a needing family
  9. Schizo

    Scp 096 application

    +support played with alot on D block never bad roleplay when he is around
  10. Schizo

    (UK) larry Smoth's CPT Application

    w mans + support
  11. Schizo

    {UK} Harrison's Captain Application

    "take criticism" is all nice and good but when everyone has something to say its clear that you need to stand strong some times
  12. Schizo

    {UK} Harrison's Captain Application

    i don't think people that have never played with me or worked with me should have any say on the matter and about Toaste his misacts on cl4 are huge if you want a frame have a look at his dep Resch app i like that not one people has anything to say about me breaking rules or sop this goes to...
  13. Schizo

    {UK} Harrison's Captain Application

    someones mad i told him to move
  14. Schizo

    [usa] Exec app Arthur"Observer"Morgan

    i don't even play usa but --support