Recent content by Yog

  1. Yog

    Accepted Combine Laser and Flashlight Attachment

    +support Would make low-light engagements for combatives less frustrating by not having to carry 2 rifles to swap between each attachment.
  2. Yog

    Denied Revert Parawatch Slot back to 3.

  3. Yog

    Denied The removal of 073 or known as kain attempt #2

    +Support Taking lore and gameplay looping into account; I feel that 073 should be moved to another site (like Site-9) and be reserved for events ( especially those involving cross tests between him and 076-2) or if kept on site, should be able to assume cl2-cl3 researcher duties, or anything...
  4. Yog

    Accepted 049 weapon suggestion

    +Support An ageless plague doctor that's been around countless wars and times of conflict should know a thing or two about self-defense, and should have a contingency in case his "touch of death" fails against someone.
  5. Yog

    Yoggy's 22415 Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41880608 Discord name: democreep#4567 For how long have you played on CN SCP: More than half a year now Age: 24 In what country are you located?: United States Time zone: Central Time Character name(s): Yoggy/"Yog" Walker (Foundation), "Basil" Whittacker (CI) Civilian name...
  6. Yog

    Denied Give 860-2 Breach Behaviour

    +support It's either this, or removing 860 from the server entirely and replacing it with something more interesting, and it could potentially give new players a new breachable SCP to RP with without immediately getting steamrolled by MTF.
  7. Yog

    Accepted Riot Changes

  8. Yog

    Accepted New Epsilon-11 Models

    YUGE +SUPPORT The models are high quality, look intimidating like A-1/O-1 (though probably remove the exo suit bodygroup from the containment specialist cause it looks dumb), and the Bio models look like actual combat suits equipped for Biohazard handling and not something that looks like it...
  9. Yog

    Content Suggestion Remove/Reduce SCP Job Switching cooldown

    +support Should be reduced to something like 10-30 seconds or smth.
  10. Yog

    Accepted Engineering and Technical Suggestions

    Ever since I joined the server, I've always wanted to dedicate time into the engineering department, since that's my IRL desired profession. Always disappointed me to see the tech department like it is now, so I would absolutely be onboard for entirely reworking tech department into something...
  11. Yog

    Accepted Engineering and Technical Suggestions

    Massive +Support The two biggest issues plaguing E&TS (Site Staff) are a lack of roleplay opportunities, and a lack of discipline and management. This suggestion (if accepted) would not only fix those main issues but also lay the groundwork for further improvements and additions that could go...
  12. Yog

    Accepted SCP-457 Buff

    +support the AoE would compensate him for his slow speed and would increase his breach durations, which I believe average too low
  13. Yog

    [US] Yog's 096 Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41880608 Discord name: Democreep#4567 For how long have you played on CG SCP: At least more than a month now. Age: 24 In what country are you located?: United States Time zone: CST Character name(s): Scott "Yog" Walker, Yog Civilian name: Jimminy What server are you...