Accepted Adding a limit for medic drone on the Jugg/flamer

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove: change the medic drone to stop or add a limit

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: No

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): less overpowered to use the medic Drone by healing the Jugg back to 3000
Give the players a fair fight against the Juggs or the flamer

Possible Negatives of the suggestion: Jaf/ABT might have Negative thoughts about adding a limit to healing

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

because it'll enable the players base to have a fair fight against a jugg/flamers
Rather than having to spend 30 mins trying to kill a jugg who's constantly healing back to 3000 HP in a single war

(Using a jammer then)
Well if a drone jammer is placed
the medic drone user would call back the jugg/flamer so he can heal him until the jammer is expired or dead
Upvote 3
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
What does this suggestion change/add/remove: change the medic drone to stop or add a limit

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: No

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): less overpowered to use the medic Drone by healing the Jugg back to 3000
Give the players a fair fight against the Juggs or the flamer

Possible Negatives of the suggestion: Jaf/ABT might have Negative thoughts about adding a limit to healing

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

because it'll enable the players base to have a fair fight against a jugg/flamers
Rather than having to spend 30 mins trying to kill a jugg who's constantly healing back to 3000 HP in a single war

(Using a jammer then)
Well if a drone jammer is placed
the medic drone user would call back the jugg/flamer so he can heal him until the jammer is expired or dead
if this situation happens, then drones are useless to abt, we only have 1 gun drone (which is completely ass) and a transport drone that is only useful for transporting tac's
-support, kill the medic drone, and then push with another jug/vehicle

Medic drone is not gonna be useless

what I mean its gonna be on the jugg and the flamer only not the players.

just like the Defibrillators you can't revive them and the first aid kit which could only stop the bleeding and not heal them

healing a Juggernaut to 3000 HP and never die in a war is incredibly OP tactic during wars
Oct 5, 2023
Here are a few positives and
- Less healing the drone can give to the juggernaut, it would make it less over powered because it should not let the juggernaut get to 3000 HP again that would be too good, since thats basically just giving a guy 5000 combat points again.
- It would make it more fair for any of the party to kill the juggernaut, because it's pretty hard to kill a guy that can heal all 3000 HP within a min or 2 when sometimes it takes about a minute to get to a point.
- Make it heal if possible to 500 HP to 1000 HP since that would make it easier to have a chance to kill the juggernaut and not having to basically fight a fully healed juggernaut again and again.
- Flamer should be lowered to 250 HP since it should never be able to go up to 500 HP again, since thats just a little overpowered, since thats just another 2000 combat score gained. ( in the sense the Flamer is basically at the same HP as he was when he spawned )
- A drone is pretty hard to hit in general as i know some of you have had a fight with a bomb drone, so it will help to lower the HP of the drone or make it a little easier to hit. ( if possible do it for bomb drone too since that one might aswell be like a little easier to hit since its pretty hard to hit until it gets close and its too late, since it has a big impact on the battle too )

- JAF/ABT might not like this since its a nerf to their reg and that makes sense.
- Drone will be less usefull but not enough to were its never gonna be used. ( who wouldnt use it when you can heal a juggernaut up to 500 HP to 1000 HP again when that juggernaut effects a battle alot )
- if the Drones are nerfed so they have less HP or a bigger hitbox will make it harder for them to survive or come close to an enemy and not die if its a bomb drone.
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Reactions: Zakariya and CORE.


MilitaryRP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 5, 2024
Suggestion Accepted

Hello @CORE. , we discussed your suggestion and decided to accept it. We will be tweaking the healing rate on the drone so it heals a bit slower and is easier to push especially during wars where you only have normal ground troops. It will take a bit of testing to see which value is the best, so please be patient!

Thank you for your time to make this suggestion!
Take care,
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