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  1. Jay "Corvid"

    Denied Type Blue Chef

    I also think this is very funny. as a chef main i'd give it a 9.5/10 (also gives me an excuse to make a TB-Chef pac) +support
  2. Jay "Corvid"

    Denied Chef Job Revamp (FT. Department of External Affairs.)

    I understand it was a little easy to miss but this was just ft. The DEA. "This job will work alongside External affairs to get more supplies from the surface into Site-65 to allow more advanced cooking."
  3. Jay "Corvid"

    Denied Chef Job Revamp (FT. Department of External Affairs.)

    Yeah i know its spawncamping, but they're not exactly camping. they just pop by and chuck everyone into the 106 dimention, then just dip. a couple free kills
  4. Jay "Corvid"

    Pending Review Custom SCP proposal: SCP-9000-A-1

    +Support I always feel like the 9k series deserved some more love for the amount of skill required to express how weak they can be when outgunned. This looks like a fairly balanced way of dealing with it. Its definately a good one for discussion
  5. Jay "Corvid"

    Denied Chef Job Revamp (FT. Department of External Affairs.)

    I'm glad the thread has been well recieved, I put far too much thought and effort into fixing the role. but i hope my suggestions can be solidified into real ideas soon. and a friendly reminder to press that uptick button if you support it.
  6. Jay "Corvid"

    Denied Chef Job Revamp (FT. Department of External Affairs.)

    Chef for too long has been an excuse for Minging and using the radio. As someone who has spent 26 support levels purely in chef to figure out the issues with the job, 15 cooking levels figuring out the menu and strategies. And trying to actively roleplay with certain jobs where I've been told...
  7. Jay "Corvid"

    Denied SCP-106 maze

    I dont know about you but it is totally possible to escape the maze. yes sometimes it doesn't have one but its supposed to be a % chance of survival. its the whole point of the scp.
  8. Jay "Corvid"

    Denied SCP Minigame (s)

    can't do that anymore dont you remember Nintendos gmod takedown a couple months back? I wish
  9. Jay "Corvid"

    Denied SCP Minigame (s)

    I 100% agree that this isnt, and there will probably not be a perfect solution, This suggestion is just one that i created that sounds interesting and that while i agree that the system needs a rework I'm not the perfect person to ask with my limited view on the topic. i am glad that the content...
  10. Jay "Corvid"

    Denied SCP Minigame (s)

    We all probably know the pain of hopping into breach queue and realising "Oh shit theres only 2 hours to go and if i hop off now ill be at the back of the queue" The pain of waiting hours at a time staring at blank walls or without any testing/sampling because you're playing something like 7722...