Search results

  1. Brian Bell

    Accepted Separate vehicle and asset requests + making approving deploying vehicle request go to all LT+

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Eisenhower, Your suggestion has been accepted. Taking into account other opinions on this thread we would like to look into making asset requests automatically approved if the person requesting is LT or above to make this process easier.
  2. Brian Bell

    Denied More time

    Suggestion Denied Hi Wolves, Your suggestion has been denied. Peacetime had recently been reduced in length as a large majority of the players spend their time AFK or not having anything to do during peacetime. You should have plenty of time for debreif and to do some training within a...
  3. Brian Bell

    Denied Update Hall of Honour

    Suggestion Denied Hi Kamil, Your suggestion has been denied. With the short lived time of UAN vs NWO the content of this campaign would be extremely small compared to NATO vs USSR and would look very empty in comparison. Therefor at this time we wont be looking to implement this.
  4. Brian Bell

    Denied [MRP] Conquest Wars Give Full Stocks

    Suggestion Denied Hi Valk, Your suggestion has been denied. We had some deliberation on this topic and wanted to see if there was a balance to make it plausible but unfortunatley it is too unpopular with the community and has therefor been denied.
  5. Brian Bell

    Accepted Gun Customization

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Kenan, Your suggestion has been accepted. We currently have multiple changes in the works for improving weapon attachments and should help resolve the issue you have raised
  6. Brian Bell

    Denied Helicopter take little damage from bullets

    Suggestion Denied Hi Kebabs, Your suggestion has been denied. This feature would be too heavy of a nerf to the current helicopters and would lead to major imbalance between regiments. For this reason this feature will not be implemented
  7. Brian Bell

    Denied Maxwell the carryable cat

    Suggestion Denied Hi Dorak, Your suggestion has been denied. Very cool! unfortunately I prefer dogs to cats and will not be implementing this feature due to bias.
  8. Brian Bell

    Accepted Christmas theme!!!!!!

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Kamil, Your suggestion has been accepted. We are currently working on christmassy features to be released later in the month.
  9. Brian Bell

    Denied Add In-game medals

    Suggestion Denied Hi Ray Yan, Your suggestion has been denied. The intensity of this feature would cause a lot of un-necessary lag for a small visual improvement. The ranks and levels rework should assist with feeling more value in your promotions
  10. Brian Bell

    Accepted Create New Rule Clarifications

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Jimothy, Your suggestion has been accepted. This sheet is currently a work in progress and is being improved as often as possible. Hopefully needed clarifications will be made soon
  11. Brian Bell

    Denied [MRP] New War Type : Border Skirmish

    Suggestion Denied Hi Valk, Your suggestion has been denied. Due to the similarity to the current attrition war this has been decided not to be implemented. As for moidfying the current attrition wars we are happy with the change in combat style to be more careless about territory protection and...
  12. Brian Bell

    Denied PC/militia spawns

    Suggestion Denied Hi Trevor, Your suggestion has been denied. Due to the buffs this would provide to militia making them too powerful for the service they are able to provide. Their balance is currently in a good place controlling the center of the map
  13. Brian Bell

    Denied [MRP] Discord Bot Suggestion

    Suggestion Denied Hi Connor, Your suggestion has been denied. Due to the reasons specified by cloak this wont be implemented, as for percentages in war. These are currently available and already showing in the command =war.
  14. Brian Bell

    Denied [MRP] Remove FearRping to unlock vehicles inside of base

    Suggestion Denied Hi Connor, Your suggestion has been denied. As this rule is newly implemented we are allowing it to be experienced for a while longer while we make decisions on possible changes for the rule to see the full impact to roleplay.
  15. Brian Bell

    Denied Change ER Leader Advance Field kit to a First Aid kit

    Suggestion Denied Hi Kermit, Your suggestion has been denied. ER have access to use the doctor job to assist eachother and should not require a combat medic as the major factions have. Therefor we have decided the advanced field kit is enough for now.
  16. Brian Bell

    Accepted [MRP] Move the AC spawn from the HC building

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Connor, Your suggestion has been accepted. We will be moving both SC and AC spawn points to hopefully balance the server issue
  17. Brian Bell

    Accepted AC Spawn choice in CC

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Vamp, Your suggestion has been accepted. We will be moving both SC and AC spawn points to hopefully balance the server issue
  18. Brian Bell

    'Rome' Anilyse's Moderator Application

    + Support + Experienced and has good rule knowledge + Mature and well known throughout the community + Ex UAN reg command has good understanding of both sides. - Scottish
  19. Brian Bell

    Denied Restock bugged stingers (again)

    Suggestion Denied Hi Kamil, Your suggestion has been denied. After some debate and research into this effect we have decided that the change is not necessary and is a consequence of not effectively avoiding the stinger or using a flare. Changes for stingers are still being looked into but the...
  20. Brian Bell

    Denied Replace Teamspeak with an In-Game Radio

    Suggestion Denied Hi badger, Your suggestion has been denied. Due to TS being a large part of our community's communications it is more convenient to use and less intensive on server processing.