Denied Replace Teamspeak with an In-Game Radio

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New Member
Oct 8, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

I saw a recent suggestion asking for the TeamSpeak requirement to be removed and it didn't have a lot of support because it would take away a lot of necessary communication which would be detrimental to teamwork and gameplay. It's understandable that it didn't have any support. But this isn't because TeamSpeak is the best platform for communicating in-game; it was because no alternative was mentioned.

I believe there should be a step away from the reliance on communicating on TeamSpeak, or any third party software which is external to the game. Instead we should be moving to an in-game radio script which can fulfil and surpass the role that TeamSpeak currently plays.

Here is how I believe it should work:

  • Each regiment could have 3 channels, which can be swapped to (or switched off) using a radial menu. This is useful for regiments that usually use additional channels.

  • Players can talk on radio using a separate key, (could be that people in the local voice chat radius can still hear you though for realism)

  • COs are able to talk on a command channel that both command can communicate on and other COs.

  • Possibly 'channels' to directly communicate with a regiment's COs to avoid unnecessary chatter over the command channel.

  • Whilst talking on radio, it could use VoiceBox FX's module to add the radio voice effect. This would both improve immersion and help identify where the voice is coming from.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

This would bring more of the gameplay actually in-game which will increase the immersion and roleplay level dramatically.

This will allow for easier inter-regimental communication and communication with command instead of using text comms which can be difficult during firefights - or worse: tabbing out of game, finding and switching to another TeamSpeak channel, tabbing back in, talking there, tabbing out again and re-joining your regiment's channel.

When talking in TeamSpeak, it is very easy to fall into casual conversation, even in war. That both takes you out of immersion and can prohibit effective communication. With it being in-game, people surrounding you being able to hear what you're talking about on radio, this could help cue players into only using the radios for precise communication which is the key goal in having this form of communication.

It would remove the requirement of TeamSpeak which a lot of new players dislike and can put them off. This would also help those who are unable to download TeamSpeak too and let them play too.

This would look better on the server too as it moves from more aged method of communication (hell it was used as the standard for Gmod servers for the years prior to like 2016-17) to a more recent approach that more and more servers are moving to.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

Would remove higher ranks having office channels and would require them to actually call them to bunks or somewhere to talk to them in-game (which imo is also better and adds more roleplay).

People who like having casual conversations during wars would either need to stop having them, risk doing it in-game, join an external VC or meet-up in-game to have them.

Those who absolutely adore TeamSpeak would lose it for radio channels.

Would involve the developers creating a new system.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

Overall, it is clearly the better option for communication, realism and roleplay. For each of the possible negatives, it is also a positive (other than the work needed for the devs) and for each of the positives it is a vast improvement over the current system. This would be the perfect successor to TeamSpeak.

Thanks for reading.
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New Member
Oct 8, 2022
- gmod voip is cancer
The audio is of worse quality than TeamSpeak, of course. Gmod is not a dedicated VOIP platform. However, it is still very useable as is done in most servers or during most of the communication done in this server.
- this would make the server lag more
Only if it is poorly optimised. Other in-game radio systems do not cause poor server performance and as-long as the devs are decently skilled, (which from what I've seen, they seem to be), there shouldn't be a noticeable change to performance.
May 31, 2022
TS3 is easy to use and also is better Quality and also it adds one less Item for the game to render
And its already Setup and there is no point for the Devs to work on something they have Sorted out and wasting time on a radio swep that would never get used
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Sep 24, 2022
-support, I like people said voip is trash, therefore that is why we use TS
I love the part where you put "Overall, it is clearly the better option for communication, realism and roleplay." like that is the worst line you put
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