Search results

  1. Brian Bell

    Accepted Base raid Suggestion

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Connor, Your suggestion has been accepted. Multiple changes are planned to improve the base raid experience and make it easier
  2. Brian Bell

    Accepted HIMARS and SCUD Tablet Indicators

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Zeussy, Your suggestion has been accepted. To Help clarify which scud is being fired.
  3. Brian Bell

    Accepted Trade Notification

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Dr.Drew, Your suggestion has been accepted. We have also planned a proximity based limit on trading to prevent cross map trading
  4. Brian Bell

    Accepted No collide helipad lights in NWO base

    Suggestion Accepted Hi MAXTAWAN, Your suggestion has been accepted. This will be implemented to make landing and taking off easier
  5. Brian Bell

    Accepted Nocollide Helipad lights

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Bumble, Your suggestion has been accepted. These will be no-collided at some point to improve the ease of landing
  6. Brian Bell

    Accepted MRP Warrant Officer Commemorative Roles

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Caleb, Your suggestion has been accepted. Something similar is in progress and will provide similar benefits
  7. Brian Bell

    Accepted Gun skins

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Drako, Your suggestion has been accepted. This has been implemented by one of our senior devs
  8. Brian Bell

    Accepted Gun Skins

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Jiminator, Your suggestion has been accepted. This has been implemented by one of our senior devs
  9. Brian Bell

    Accepted Fix Peacetime boredom

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Trek, Your suggestion has been accepted. Similar work is currently being developed and will follow a similar track to this suggestion
  10. Brian Bell

    Replace K17 with the BMP

    Suggestion Denied Hi Michiel, Your suggestion has been denied. The same issue would exist with the BMP and is currently unresolvable, the rocket information is identical between the two vehicles.
  11. Brian Bell

    Character Levels

    Suggestion Denied Hi Dr.Drew, Your suggestion has been denied. The levels are currently used as an incentive to earn reputation on both sides and could cause issues for future developments.
  12. Brian Bell

    Denied L a d d e r pls

    Suggestion Denied Hi Bumble, Your suggestion has been denied. The distance walked for both teams is similar and would lead to imbalance by adding this.
  13. Brian Bell

    Denied giving combat score

    Suggestion Denied Hi Drako, Your suggestion has been denied. Adding this feature could lead to many issues of combat score being focused into one player which is usually balanced by earning your own.
  14. Brian Bell

    Denied Rule that doesn't allow Rally Point placed inside enemy bases.

    Suggestion Denied Hi Dan, Your suggestion has been denied. The issues created by placing these are minor and can be resolved by them being destroyed, the spawnpoints all have cooldown before being recreated so should be manageable.
  15. Brian Bell

    Denied Put medic NPC's in sim rooms

    Suggestion Denied Hi Corenex, Your suggestion has been denied. We feel it would better improve RP to not have lots of NPCs and to use player medics instead in this scenario
  16. Brian Bell

    Accepted fix holes in the map floor

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Bumble, Your suggestion has been accepted. This small error has been adressed by a member of the mapping team and should be resolved soon
  17. Brian Bell

    Accepted Remove Pole

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Brian Bell, Your suggestion has been accepted. From an unbias standpoint I feel this suggestion is reasonable and will make FOB supplying easier for NWO
  18. Brian Bell

    Accepted fix holes in the map floor

    @Millar is this something to look at on your side?
  19. Brian Bell

    Accepted AOR / MPK suggestion

    Suggestion Accepted Hi Hoxton, Your suggestion has been accepted. It will help increase roleplay within the AOR/MPK regiments
  20. Brian Bell

    Goodbye my fellow civil gamers

    First tag, feeling the love, hope to see you again some day clap!