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  1. James K.

    [UK] 'Detainee's Overseer Assistant Application

    +Support I shit my pants
  2. James K.

    [UK] Cain 'Homeless' Morris's 2nd DoIA application

    +SUPPORT im high rn, but this guy would make IA into a living warcrime, so cool ig
  3. James K.

    [UK] James Kennedy's Director Of Research Application #2

    Application #2 Return Of The Executive (Funny name lol) Why are you applying for Director of Research While I maintain similar reasoning to my first application, I have several more reasons at this point in time, firstly, I believe I am easy to talk to and can handle relations within the...
  4. James K.

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - James K.

    Do you have any evidence / examples of the above? I have been toxic to 2 people with my time here, that includes yourself & toaste, while what I said towards toaste was unjustifiable and rude, what I said to you was in response to you calling me incompetent. "when RP doesn't go the way you want...
  5. James K.

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - James K.

    I would love to steal that, but I would feel unoriginal lmao (I changed the CI one, this may be decent now, Its definitely better than the old one)
  6. James K.

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - James K.

    You are completely right, I am going spend today reworking my event ideas into something more unique and enjoyable, Thanks for the feedback
  7. James K.

    Executive Researcher Application(UK)

    +Support Casseno, this applications very rushed, it seems to lack much formatting, I'm sure you can do better, other than that tho, you are great at writing docs, very active and are genuinely nice. I wish you the best of luck.
  8. James K.

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - 'Detainee'

    +Support Good Luck Detainee
  9. James K.

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - James K.

    How many hours can you be on everyday: 3-8, a little less on weekends due to work. Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: No, Unfortunately Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I would like the ability to create fun & unique RP, not just for...
  10. James K.

    [UK] O5-1 "The Humanitarian" Ascendance

    Massive +Support Obvious reasons
  11. James K.

    [UK] Kylmä Puronkukka's Overseer Assistant Application

    -/+Neutral Just wanted to ask, since this application seems a lot more related to ECA, why not choose that role instead? +Active +Previous CL4 Experience -Short Application -Missing Responsibilities
  12. James K.

    Phill Dee's ECM Application #1 [SCPRP-UK]

    Massive +Support There is no better choice for ECM, get this man in fr
  13. James K.

    PAC Approved [UK] James Kennedy

    PAC APPROVAL REQUEST Requesting approval for the face since its classed as changing the base model ETHICS COMMITTEE ASSISTANT PAC STEAM_0:1:196792033 PAC LORE: James Kennedy, born 3rd of May, ███ On July 19th ███, a large containment breach including SCP-939, SCP-096, SCP-076 and SCP-079 James...
  14. James K.

    [UK] Dennid's General Security Captain Application

    +Support Reason: Is dennid
  15. James K.

    Jamie/Cain Morris's DoIA Application UK

    +Support Your maturity has greatly increased during your time as ambassador, although it still isn't amazing, but for everyone to expect that from you is unrealistic at your age, you do a good job within your role, I have seen you tone down arguments and perform great arrests, while I don't...
  16. James K.

    Executive researcher application [UK]

    I can probs do one in 10 with the right software, (A Voice to Text Thingy)