Search results

  1. Stick Defender

    [USA] Camden's OSA Application

    -Support, Is unprofessional off and on the job.
  2. Stick Defender

    Denied Make HCZ Blue Again.

    Exactly my eyes hurt too.
  3. Stick Defender

    [USA] O5-4 "The Prophet" Application

    That shit was 5-6 months ago. Ex O5 have even gotten denied because they weren't Sr CL4+
  4. Stick Defender

    [USA] O5-4 "The Prophet" Application

    Still no current foundation Sr CL4
  5. Stick Defender

    Denied Make HCZ Blue Again.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion changes the lighting in HCZ form a warm yellow to a cold blue (The same color before the surface update) Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): .I feel that a dark blue for HCZ better matches with the atmosphere of HCZ...
  6. Stick Defender

    [USA] O5-4 "The Prophet" Application

    -Support No current Seinor CL4 roles and many warns.
  7. Stick Defender

    Denied MTF Epsilon-11 Loadout Update

    Did you even read the suggestion? he said it would nerf the K-Bar to the stats of a VHS or Arx.
  8. Stick Defender

    Denied MTF Epsilon-11 Loadout Update

    Also the K-Bar isn't used by any job RN.
  9. Stick Defender

    Denied MTF Epsilon-11 Loadout Update

    +Support, As an active E-11 CSG our containment specialists really need these guns to make them more useful like the other specialists form other MTF's.
  10. Stick Defender

    Denied Its Time for new E-11 Models

    You know the Nu7 models were denied before and then they got updated
  11. Stick Defender

    Denied Its Time for new E-11 Models

    I updated it now.
  12. Stick Defender

    Denied Its Time for new E-11 Models

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: The purpose of this suggestion is to change the current E-11 models to something appropriate for its job (Except Bio-hazard specialist) Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2) .More RP realistic models .Looks like an actual MTF instead of...
  13. Stick Defender

    Denied Claire Syringe's File.

    I was trying to prove to Massra That you stated you were SM on UK
  14. Stick Defender

    Denied Claire Syringe's File.

    Also If you want to go with the whole "Alertnate universe thing" it does not make any sense for a SM to go another universe and to join Nu7
  15. Stick Defender

    Denied Claire Syringe's File.

    Claire said " What Exactly do you need? I have access to most of Site-65"
  16. Stick Defender

    Denied Claire Syringe's File.

    -Support . UK and US are set in different universes yet you used your UK SM role in your US role . Helmet does not fit RP (Colors and Ears)
  17. Stick Defender

    [USA] "Deftone" Reznor's Special Agent Application

  18. Stick Defender

    [US] O5-5 "The Youthful" V2

    +support This person is the best this person is JON AMERICA