Search results

  1. Basilisk

    [UK] Jimmy Kane Staff Application

    +SUPPORT +Active +Past Experience +Friendly +Detailed Application + Good RP and Rule knowledge +Mature +Good interactions I think Jimmy would a be a good addition for the staff team considering his previous experience as staff as well as his RP and Rule knowledge. He's also very active and i've...
  2. Basilisk

    [UK] Wonka's Staff Application

    +SUPPORT +Active +Experienced + Good RP and Rule knowledge + Friendly and a chill guy +Mature +Detailed application -------------------------- All in all i think Wonka would be a great fit for the staff team considering his past experience as well as RP and Rule knowledge, He's also mature and...
  3. Basilisk

    SCP-RP [UK] Moderator Application

    -SUPPORT - Excessive amount of past warns and bans in short amount of time - Barely any amount of playtime -Bad grammar -Feels like very little effort was put in, application could be more detailed. - Application is kind of chaotic and hectic to read - No interactions, can't recall seeing you...
  4. Basilisk

    Staff Application LegoManOnHash (James Henderson)

    -Neutral +Past Experience +Good application + Willing to learn +/- too few encounters to judge maturity as well as RP and Rule knowledge. And your personality overall. I will most likely change to a +support after i've experience more encounters with you and seen how you do RP wise as well as...
  5. Basilisk

    [UK] Erl Carlson's Overseer Assistant Application

    +SUPPORT +Active +Friendly + have good rule and RP knowledge +Mature +Detailed application I strongly believe Erl would be a good fit for such a position considering his good RP and rule knowledge. I've also had very good encounters with him both in rp and not in rp.
  6. Basilisk

    Quins O5-6 "The Forgotten" Application

    +SUPPORT +Active +Mature +Friendly + Has good RP and Rule knowledge + Good interactions All in all i believe Quin should get a chance. He's very friendly,active and mature and he has good rp and rule knowledge and i've only had good interactions with him.
  7. Basilisk

    bring back darkrp petition

    I know but personally i wouldn't say DarkRp even goes under Semi-Serious from my past experiences with the gamemode, A Semi Serious HL2RP would be fun though (:
  8. Basilisk

    bring back darkrp petition

    -SUPPORT Even though DarkRp was nostalgic back in the old days of CG, It wouldn't be productive to reopen it again because it may be popular for a short term but will quickly die again, And there's also many problems with the gamemode itself. ,It's very outdated and most DarkRp servers are just...
  9. Basilisk

    [UK] 'Red' Staff Application

    +SUPPORT + Decently active +From the few interactions i've had with you it's been positive. + Past Experience +Mature + No Warnings/Bans - More effort could've been put in. - Application could be a little more detailed.
  10. Basilisk

    Kaos Gaming Application

    -SUPPORT - No Interactions - No effort put in - Application severly lacks detail - Barely any playtime ---------------------------------------- Hey you should reapply after you've gotten much more time in, Since you're not well enough to be let into the staff team at the moment let alone having...
  11. Basilisk

    Ben C Moderator Application [UK]

    -NEUTRAL (Leaning towards +Support) -Active + From the few interactions he has shown that he has good rp experience as well as rule knowledge. +Mature + Never been warned / banned +Past experience - Application could be more detailed - Very little effort put in., Could have putten in more...
  12. Basilisk

    [UK] Lily's Staff Application

    +SUPPORT +Active +Past Experience + Never been warned/banned +/- Little interactions - I've never seen you use your mic.
  13. Basilisk

    Bring back the CG™ Bird

    -SUPPORT The bird deserves to be free and enjoy the wilderness !
  14. Basilisk

    My reasons on why i want to join staff

    Huge -SUPPORT - Incorrect Format -Clearly a troll app - No interactions, i’ve never seen you on. - Immature
  15. Basilisk

    [UK] Bravo's SCP-RP Moderator Application #2

    +/- NEUTRAL +Active + Have explained reasons for past warnings and ban + Detailed application +/- Not Enough Interactions I may change to a +Support after having more interactions with you.
  16. Basilisk

    [UK] 'Appo' Staff Application

    +SUPPORT +Active +Past Experience +Mature +Friendly ------------- I've had good encounters with Appo, He's very active, friendly as well as mature and considering he got past experience as well i believe he would make a good addition to the staff team. I wish you goodluck though !
  17. Basilisk

    Henlo, am Millzy

    Hello Millzy, Btw you should shower more often
  18. Basilisk

    Very late hello.

    Hello there Tommy
  19. Basilisk

    [UK] Appo Staff Application

    +SUPPORT + Past Experience + Friendly +Mature +Active Appo is a great guy he's very friendly as well as active and i've had great encounters with him so i strongly believe we should all give him a chance and he would be a good adittion and person for the staff team.
  20. Basilisk

    I’m on LOA i’m coming home the 10th of August.

    I’m on LOA i’m coming home the 10th of August.