Search results

  1. Bob "Cupcake" Loss

    [USA] Asmodues 2nd Site Advisor Application

    +Support, should have got SA the first time he applied
  2. Bob "Cupcake" Loss

    [USA] Barry Uriah's DoR Application

    +Support, honestly one of the BEST researchers as well as being an amazing roleplayer he is a great executive and for me that would make him an the best choice for DoR. Barry is who all researchers should look up to.
  3. Bob "Cupcake" Loss

    [USA] Bob 'Cupcake' Loss 2nd ECA App

    [/SIZE][/COLOR]Age: 19 In what country are you located?: USA Time zone: EST Character name(s): Bob Loss, 'Cupcake', Bob 'Cupcake' Loss, Norman Fleetwood, Norman Fleetwood II Civilian name: Bob Loss What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): - SCP-RP USA Do you have a mic?: -...
  4. Bob "Cupcake" Loss

    [US] Hypnos' ECA Application (2nd)

    +Support As far as I'm concerned Hypnos is one of the best COs for Nu-7 I see them on consistently even in the weird hours I play, and I think they would make a great ECA too.
  5. Bob "Cupcake" Loss

    Coke 'Bishop' OSA Application[USA]

    +Support It would be sad to see Bishop go to OSA because he is a great ambassador. I believe he should become an OSA but hopefully you'll still play ambassador after becoming an OSA!
  6. Bob "Cupcake" Loss

    [US] Pearson Pavish's Chairman Application

    +Support Time and time again this guy has shown he is great fit to be in ethics and his aspirations to climb the ladder of ethics with the effort he has put in I think proves he is worthy.
  7. Bob "Cupcake" Loss

    [US] Recker's ECM Application

    +Support, one of the best players on the server
  8. Bob "Cupcake" Loss

    Leo Macarther's ECA Application [USA]

    +Support I've seen them on research and they make for a really good exec. They would be a great ECA too!
  9. Bob "Cupcake" Loss

    [USA] Asmodeus "King" OSA Application

    +Support seen this guy on the server a lot as an ECA, very active.
  10. Bob "Cupcake" Loss

    Coke"Bishop" Ethics Assistant Application [USA]

    +Support, Great Guy very promising ECA candidate
  11. Bob "Cupcake" Loss

    [USA] Bob 'Cupcake' Loss Assistant Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:244251111 Discord Name: riablo How long have you played on CG SCP: 400 hours Age: 19 Country: USA Time Zone: EST (GMT-5) Character Name(s): Bob 'Cupcake' Loss Civilian Name: Bob Loss Server Applying For (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA Do you have a mic?: Yes...
  12. Bob "Cupcake" Loss

    [USA] Cupcake's Internal Affairs Ambassador Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:244251111 Discord name: riablo For how long have you played on CG SCP: 400 hours Age: 19 In what country are you located?: USA Time zone: EST Character name(s): Bob "Cupcake" Loss Civilian name: Norman Fleetwood What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA...
  13. Bob "Cupcake" Loss

    Coral Lycensofts 2nd Ethics member application [USA]

    +Support Every time I am near Coral they always keep it professional As well as it seems like there is always some delinquent near that Coral has to handle and they always handle the situation properly, Coral is probably the best rule follower I know.
  14. Bob "Cupcake" Loss

    [USA] Gordon Gudgeon's Director of Research Application

    +Support Usually when I have a research question Gordon is around and he always gives great answers!
  15. Bob "Cupcake" Loss

    Executive Researcher App Maxwelli [USA]

    +Support Helped me get into research. Very cool guy