Search results

  1. Nexohell

    Skittles' Moderator App [UK]

    Hello skitt today i Give a +Support Active Many interactions Mature -more detail in app -/+3 warns Good luck with you Application
  2. Nexohell

    Scotsman Captain Application

    + Support He has proven himselfthat is Perfect to have this role in past. Knows Gsd Active Past captain I woud be glad to have you back in the Department:) Good luck
  3. Nexohell

    [UK] W. Licht's Consultant application

    Support+ Active Nice person Knows about medical Department
  4. Nexohell

    Heretics Captain Application (Uk) (4th)

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Dear Mr ..Heretic I am happy to inform you that your application for Security Captain has been accepted. Please contact either myself or Chief Gladiator ' for the next processes of your application. - Cpt.Nexo hell
  5. Nexohell

    [UK] Remnant's Captain app

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Dear Mr Remnat .. I am happy to inform you that your application for Security Captain has been accepted. Please contact either myself or Chief Gladiator ' for the next processes of your application. - Cpt.Nexo hell
  6. Nexohell

    [UK] Connor "Jerusalem" Humphreys GSD Captain Application.

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Dear Mr Conner .. I am happy to inform you that your application for Security Captain has been accepted. Please contact either myself or Chief Gladiator ' for the next processes of your application. - Cpt.Nexo hell
  7. Nexohell

    [UK] Security Captain Application

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Dear Mr Jackson.. I am happy to inform you that your application for Security Captain has been accepted. Please contact either myself or Chief Gladiator ' for the next processes of your application. - Cpt.Nexo hell
  8. Nexohell

    [UK] Security Captain Application

    Hello jackson i woud give: a Support + A few interactions Good app Knows Gsd
  9. Nexohell

    [UK] Freddie Hangman Helinski Chief Of Security Application.

    Hello hangman i woud Give you a Support + Know the Department Good app Past experience as sa
  10. Nexohell

    [UK] Claire's O5-4 'The Vampire' Application

  11. Nexohell

    Chief Of Security Application [UK] Nexo Hell

    Nexo Hell How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 19 Days Age: 19 In what country are you located?: Germany Time zone: CET Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Nexo hell / MTF E11 LCPL/ Security Captain Civilian name: Black Winter Steam ID...
  12. Nexohell

    [UK] Checkers IA Ambassador Application

    Hello checks if i can call you by that: I Give you a ++Support Is active on IA Nice and friendly person Knows the about coc coe Good luck with your Application
  13. Nexohell

    [UK] SCP-RP Moderator application - Astralic

    Hello i woud Give you a ++/- neutral Not many interactions Sems mature A few warn Not that big of a issue Active Good look with your Application
  14. Nexohell

    [UK] Jack Kincaid's SCP-RP Moderator Application

    Hello Jack: i woud Give you a Support+ Many interactions Active No warnings Staff experiecne
  15. Nexohell

    [UK] Remnant's Captain app

    +Support Active A few Interaktions Knows of Gsd - more details in your application
  16. Nexohell

    [UK] Michael "Banana" Security Captain Application

    +Support Active Knows about the Gsd
  17. Nexohell

    [UK] Fred 'Instructor' Madox O5-3 'The Parabellum' Application

    +Support Nice app Knowlege of leader ship
  18. Nexohell

    Timothy Slipperman IA Ambassador application. [UK]

    Finally you did an Application for IA ambassador I Woud give you A Huge SUPPORT+ Active Nice and Friendly Knows the COE /COC
  19. Nexohell

    [UK] Dutch's OSA Application

    Support + Knows COS and COE Active many interactions
  20. Nexohell

    Mr Jimbo Captain Application [UK]

    +SUPPORT Knows how GSD Works Active