Search results

  1. Ventz

    SCP-RP Discord Ban Appeal | Bush #2

    Accepted Refrain from making strange and inappropriate comments in future
  2. Ventz

    Goober Discord ban appeal SCP Rp

    Accepted What you said is not accepted in this community, next time you won't be unbanned
  3. Ventz

    Connor's / Jerusalem / FUDGESICLE's Mapping Application

    Hi, thanks for taking the time to make this application After reviewing your application I have decided that you will fit in well with our current mapping team and will be able to contribute to many tasks which will be needed for the improvement of our existing maps. I have decided to accept...
  4. Ventz

    Edwards Mapping Application

    Hi, thanks for taking the time to make this application! I would first like to apologize for it taking such a long time for an official verdict to be delivered. After reviewing your work you showed I have decided to deny this application due to your mapping still needing some further...
  5. Ventz

    Concept Artist Developer Application

    Hi, thanks for taking the time to make an application here! Unfortunately we have decided to deny this application due to us not currently having a great need for concept artwork. It would be tough to give you frequent enough tasks for this specialization. I must say though, you have...
  6. Ventz


  7. Ventz

    Denied Epilepsy / Sensory Impairment Accessibility Toggle

    There is a flashing lights and sudden sounds warning when you join
  8. Ventz

    Add Decontanimation Foam Gun to E-11 Containment Specialist

    Accepted SL implement this to the job plz
  9. Ventz

    ???? discord ban

    DENIED Throwing wild, serious and inappropriate accusations at people for such things is very inappropriate, furthermore bullying/encouraging people to leave the community is not acceptable. Due to your (deleted) response to this appeal I'll extend this ban to a week.
  10. Ventz

    Enzo Discord Ban appeal

    Accepted user can be unbanned
  11. Ventz

    Security Captain Application for ''chicken man''(USA)

    +support High effort application
  12. Ventz

    This is 1984

    Shit post in art
  13. Ventz

    Donation costs difference between EU and NA

    Hi, the store is in GBP because we price things valued at GBP. When you pay a different amount in dollars it is the amount equivalent to the GBP price which we have set, it does not mean you are paying more than others are
  14. Ventz

    VPoint Refund

    Can you add me on discord please Ventz#6969