Search results

  1. Shark

    [USA] Wertz's Site Advisor application

    +SUPPORT very awesome! very swag! worked with him a few times while I was in GOC and hes cool
  2. Shark

    Yarn's special agent application [USA]

    APPLICATION DENIED Hello @neononame, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been denied. You do not meet the minimum requirements of two weeks tenure as a senior agent (you joined February 7th.) Please feel free to reach out to myself for feedback on your application. You may re-apply on...
  3. Shark

    Denied CI medbay map prop removal

    okay first you have to log on to the server, do /gamemode creative and then left click the prop you want to break
  4. Shark

    Denied CI medbay map prop removal

    -SUPPORT I don't understand why there even is a suggestion like this. This is clearly just a CI Commander trying to grab as much power for himself... The lag reduction is merely a bait so that SL will approve this massive CI power increase. Honestly, if this gets accepted just remove CI so...
  5. Shark

    Add Handcuffs to ISD Spawn

    -SUPPORT just dispense them if u want em fed
  6. Shark

    05-4 "The artist" [UK]

    -SUPPORT From the US side but just dropping my two cents here. O5 requires some amount of Sr.CL4 experience and neither of your CL4 positions are under that umbrella. I'd recommend working you way up into a director position or site administration before applying for a CL5.
  7. Shark

    USA Spec. agent app

    APPLICATION DENIED Hello, @Nick "Mosasaur" Williams, thank you for showing interest in becoming a Special Agent. Unfortunately, we will be denying your application at this time. You may reach out to myself as to the reasoning behind your rejection. You may re-apply in two weeks after this...
  8. Shark

    marksman jobs cooldown

    As much as I hate snipers on this server (1 shot body shot is batshit insane), this ain't it.
  9. Shark

    Deluxe Special Agent app [USA]

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Congratulations @DRETHEGOD, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been accepted. Please contact an Agency Manager or myself for training before accessing any new equipment.
  10. Shark

    [USA] O5-4 "The Sinner"

    +SUPPORT MICHAEL DONT LEAVE ME HERE!!! MICHAEL! MICHAELLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this guy does some AWESOME roleplay, his roleplay is so awesome he never runs only walks!!!
  11. Shark

    [USA] Shark's Director of External Affairs Application

    Why are you applying for Director of External Affairs? I've had an interest in External Affairs since my first day on the server and have stuck with it through my entire time on the server. I want to keep advancing my career within DEA and continue pushing for changes that will improve the...
  12. Shark

    Sylveon's Special Agent Application

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Congratulations @Sylveon, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been accepted. Please contact myself or Agency Manager "Joseph Von Claus" for training before accessing any new equipment.
  13. Shark

    Sylveon's Special Agent Application

    he doesnt have sr cl1 experience.... idk...
  14. Shark

    Apollo's Special Agent Application [USA]

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Congratulations @"Apollo", your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been accepted. Please reach out to Agency Manager Joseph Von Claus for training. (Discord: sir.colonize)
  15. Shark

    [USA] Special Agent Application - "California"

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Congratulations @DnxCalifornia, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been accepted. Reach out to myself directly for training.
  16. Shark

    [USA] Maxime "Ghost" Lafleur Third Special Agent Application

    APPLICATION DENIED Unfortunately @Lafleur, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been denied. Feel free to reach out for the reasoning behind your denial at this time. You may re-apply in one week after this message is posted.
  17. Shark

    (USA) Travis "Gmoney" Bickle's Special Agent Application

    APPLICATION DENIED Unfortunately @eyeander, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been denied. Feel free to reach out for the reasoning behind your denial at this time. You may re-apply in one week after this message is posted.
  18. Shark

    Mosasaur USA Spec. Agent app

    APPLICATION DENIED Unfortunately @Nick "Mosasaur" Williams, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been denied. Feel free to reach out for the reasoning behind your denial at this time. You may re-apply in one week after this message is posted.
  19. Shark

    [US] Rick "Kix" Canvas Special Agent application

    APPLICATION ACCEPTED Congratulations @Hokualohi5, your application for SPECIAL AGENT has been accepted. Please reach out to myself directly for training before accessing any new equipment.
  20. Shark

    Denied D-Class Riot System Rework

    Ah yes my favourite situation, Site Command authorizing rule breaking by allowing AA to be used on humans... very real! MTF, SCU, and DEA are regularly handling breaches and raids not dealing with D-Block situations. You can't bank on the idea that one or two E-11 that aren't busy dealing with...