Search results

  1. Monker

    Denied O-1 Officer Job Weapon Change

    -support your specialist job has a gun that is the officer gun for both e11 and a1 also the sop mod is already good you dont need the msbs it for goc.
  2. Monker

    Denied SCP Hack Cooldown

  3. Monker

    Accepted Moving Floor 3 Access

  4. Monker

    Accepted MC&D Suggestion

  5. Monker

    Marin “FullMoon”s Site Advisor Application

    -support no senior positions
  6. Monker

    Denied Add more snipers to Heavy Gun Dealer

    +Support Mosin and kar98 would be funny also pretty sure they don't one-shot so ain't too op
  7. Monker

    [USA] Tyrone / "Skoobz" Site Advisor App

    -support no senior lvl 4 positions held
  8. Monker

    [USA] O5-4 "The Malevolent"

  9. Monker

    [USA] Erik "Grover" Vander's ECM Application

  10. Monker

    [USA] Terry Black's External Affairs Director Application

    +Support as former DEA Director this guy would be pretty good give him the spot.