Search results

  1. Flare

    [UK] 'boku' Site Advisor Application

    +Support leaning to neutral, Boku has the necessary experience to move up to Site-Admin, my only complaint is regarding how long Boku has been an ECA for. As said before, Boku has come back to the community, however has not been back long enough for me to consider him fully ready for Site-Admin...
  2. Flare

    Asura UK ECA App

    +Support, Ethical enough to be ECA.
  3. Flare

    Accepted Lootable Radios for D-Class

    -Support just use ts
  4. Flare

    Denied Give the ARX to more combative jobs

    -Support, I have created a suggestion to add an ARX stand on floor-3, and that was denied. Don't think this will go through.
  5. Flare

    Denied SCP-096 Bucket FailRP Adjustment

    +Support, I personally ruined an 096's breach by destroying their photo and running to secondary where he was promptly rc'd by E11.
  6. Flare

    Accepted Automated Evacuation Procedures

    That makes sense, yeah
  7. Flare

    Accepted Automated Evacuation Procedures

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: New budget cuts at other foundation sites, have allowed for more funds to be transferred to Site-65! Site-Administration has decided to invest the new funds into the safety of ALL foundation personnel, by paying Foundation Logistics to install the new...
  8. Flare

    PAC Approved [UK] [PAC APPROVAL]

    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested (Which job): Overseer Assistant Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:507102783 Photograph of PAC: 1) Green suit, 2) Black suit.
  9. Flare

    Denied [UK] Simfphys Change

    -Support, It's SCPRP not CityRP :/
  10. Flare

    selling liquid anima

    How much
  11. Flare

    Denied [UK/US] Put an ARX dispenser at Floor-3.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: It would add a prop, which, when you press "e" on it, would put the same gun that most A1 have. Similar to the advanced armory, just put it in a shelf, or something similar. Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): - Prevents metagaming of...
  12. Flare

    Denied SCP-096 Scramble Nerf

    I'm pretty sure that this was already suggested and denied, but i'm neutral for this.
  13. Flare

    [UK] Callum 'Flare' Keller's Overseer Assistant Application.

    Thanks for the reply!
  14. Flare


    PAC Requesting Approval PAC Requested: Researcher Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:507102783 Photograph of PAC: 1.1 Size
  15. Flare

    Denied Make third person go to 2.5

  16. Flare

    [UK] Callum 'Flare' Keller's Overseer Assistant Application.

    Thank you for reading my application. Feel free to leave your comments/opinions below.