Search results

  1. RedMann

    Last train home

    Hello guys, After playing on this server for nearly 2 years and reaching one of the most covetous positions in the server, I think its time to take a break. And a natural one at that, I always told myself as Chairman, "Leave when it's not fun" and to be honest I was still having fun up until I...
  2. RedMann

    Bruce "Anvil" is jover

    take care brucey boy, catch you on the flipside
  3. RedMann

    "Prophet" Carmine Director of IA UK application

    New Email Received From: The Ethics Committee Subject: Internal Affairs Directorship Application >>Open Email Attached: Position Request Results
  4. RedMann

    Zenith's #2 DoIA Application [UK]

    New Email Received From: The Ethics Committee Subject: Internal Affairs Directorship Application >>Open Email Attached: Position Request Results
  5. RedMann

    SCP UK Ethics assistant APP

    New Email Received From: The Ethics Committee >>Open Email Attached: Position Request Results
  6. RedMann

    [UK] Jamie 'Blackjack' Ward ECA Application

    New Email Received From: The Ethics Committee >>Open Email Attached: Position Request Results
  7. RedMann

    Mere moments

    Mere moments
  8. RedMann

    <UK> Donny 'Drogon' Bons ECA Application

    New Email Received From: The Ethics Committee >>Open Email Attached: Position Request Results
  9. RedMann

    Cain Morris's 3rd ECA Application [UK]

    New Email Received From: The Ethics Committee >>Open Email Attached: Position Request Results
  10. RedMann

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application #2 - Jax

    +support Hi Jax, It is clear that an awful lot of care and effort has been put into this application. The events, admitedly a bit small in scale, ie Mr Fish, are still interesting enough and have the potential for players to run the event themselves. The missions are short but sweet which, in...
  11. RedMann

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Mark 'Dutch' Belgrum

    +support Hi Dutch, This is a lovely application, and of course, I would have expected nothing less from a really good former SGM. The events are interesting but dont have a script, which shows you allow for players to RP in their way. The missions also show you understand some key IC and OOC...
  12. RedMann

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Lily Zephyran

    +support Hi Lily, I'm really impressed with this application. It captures every aspect of each question perfectly. The events are explained to just a right degree its not a script, and most importantly the concepts are interesting. The missions are also well defined and suit each group...
  13. RedMann

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Harvey Bridger

    Neutral Leaning - support Hi Harvey, I'm an overly big fan of the events you are putting forward due to how vague they are or not having too much RP behind them. Such as the reactor shoot out which happens on a nigh bi-hourly basis what with CI and Code 5's. They also seem quite scripted, and...
  14. RedMann

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Rito Munro Fraser

    Neutral Leaning - support Hi Rito, After looking at your application, I have formed a lightly negative opinion of it based off the events you have put forward. I have no doubt you are a quality RP organiser and would be a good GM, but these events are throwing me off because of how broad they...
  15. RedMann

    [UK] Zenith/Titan's ECA #1 app

    New Email Received From: The Ethics Committee >>Open Email Attached: Position Request Results
  16. RedMann

    [UK] Cain 'Homeless' Morris's 2nd DoIA application

    New Email Received From: The Ethics Committee Subject: Internal Affairs Directorship Application >>Open Email Attached: Position Request Results
  17. RedMann

    Why is it called Ethics committee member?

    pack your shit, i want you gone by tomorrow morning
  18. RedMann

    [UK] Cain 'Homeless' Morris's 2nd DoIA application

    This thread has been reopened due to the application being reassessed following a change in the circumstances of denial. Further constructive and helpful community input is greatly appreciated by the applicant and the committee. Keep things civil and kind. Regards, Ethics Chairman Fionn O'Rourke
  19. RedMann

    [UK] Cain 'Homeless' Morris's 2nd DoIA application

    New Email Received From: The Ethics Committee Subject: Internal Affairs Directorship Application >>Open Email Attached: Position Request Results